Shower malfunction

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Authors POV

Betty and Jughead are roommates in college and jughead's shower has recently broke.

Betty being the nice person she is allowed him to use hers that was suspiciously located right near her bed.

*Knock knock*"Hey Betts do you mind if I take a shower?" Jughead asked from behind her door.

"Yup come on in" Betty replied through the door.

Jughead came in holding his towel and soaps.

"Thanks Betts" he said making his way to her shower.

"No problem Juggie" she said looking up from her homework that she was doing at her desk.

A few minutes later Betty had realized that her phone was still in the bathroom from her previous shower.

She sighed and knocked on the door. "Hey juggie I'm really sorry but Is my phone in there?" She asked pressing her fingers to the bridge of her nose.

"Yeah if you need it you can come in and get it" Jughead called out with a smirk playing on his face.

"Ok I'm coming in" she said fully prepared to shield her eyes if necessary.

Even though Betty has a crush on Jughead she still would give him his privacy.

Jughead also has a crush on Betty.

The door opened and Betty stealthily came in shielding her eyes from the shower.

"Juggie I thought you said my phone was in here." She said looking for it on the counter.

"It is but you have to look a little bit harder." He said smirking.

"Ok do you want to give me a hint" she asked politely smiling herself.

"Your phone is in the bathroom in a really hot place" he said looking at her phone on the shower ledge right next to him.

Betty thought about it and went next to the heater and looked for it.

"Juggie it's not near the heater" she said still playing along. She knew she left it in the shower.

"Ok let's play hot and cold then." He said chuckling at how she hasn't figured it out.

"Ok" she said excitedly.

She started walking towards the toilet, cold, she walked to the sink, cold, she then walked up to the shower, warmer, then she put her hand on the curtain, hot.

"Betts if you hadn't guessed it's in here. To be more precise however it's in my hand." Jughead said laughing.

"Juggie are you gonna make me come in there and get it or are you gonna give it to me." Betty asked sweetly.

"Well I still have to take a shower and your phone is in my hand and the shower is pretty spacious so think your gonna have to come and take it from me." He said smirking.

A few minutes later Betty came into the shower and said "alright Juggie give me my phone please." In a sweet tone.

"Jughead however wasn't taking it so he set her phone back to where it was before and grabbed her waist bringing her closer to him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and in a few seconds their lips were connected.

Jughead picked Betty up and pushed her against the wall kissing down her neck.

At the worst possible time her phone rang.

She picked it up and said "Juggie it's my mom" Jughead simply said "answer it" still kissing her neck.

"Hey Mom what's up?" She asked.

"Betty where are you im inside your dorm room. Are you taking a shower" Mrs Cooper asked through the phone.

"Yeah I am w why are you here mom" she said so Jughead could tell what was going on.

"Well I texted you a couple of times but you never answered me." She said impatiently.

Then the door to the bathroom opened and mrs cooper was in the door way.

"Betty dear Polly and I are in town and we were wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with us?" She asked still completely oblivious to the second person in her shower.

"Uhm mom can you go out into the kitchen so I can get ready" she asked politely still with Jughead against her neck.

"Sure and bring Jughead too. You guys seem pretty aquainted with one another. Next time you might want to hide his clothes" Mrs Cooper said with a smirk as she closed the door.

Betty's mouth dropped as Jughead was laughing against her next causing it to tickle.

"C'mon Juggie my mom's gonna think were having sex if we don't leave now." Betty said with a laugh but frowning

"Yeah but if she thinks that then maybe we won't have to go to dinner" he said tightening his hold on her waist.

"Your right we could do that" she said grabbing his face and pulling it closer to hers. Let's just say Mrs cooper and poly didn't get to see their beloved Betty that day.

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