chapter 10: going to school

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Rose's pov
Seriously? We have to go back to that hellhole of a school. So many memories brush past me.



The monsters

I push them aside as we walked into the school. Inside was dusty and cold, the government had shut down the school for public safety. To them, the school was going to collapse due to an earthquake. We found that the inside was different from how it looked from the outside. Instead of a hall leading to separate rooms, I saw a long hall way with a single door in the end. A feeling of dread trailed up my spine. I wanted to leave. NOW. I whirled around but saw a wall instead. There was no turning back. This was it. Our last stand. Our last day. Doreen looked puzzled.
"How could the door disappear like that?" But as she said it she knew the answer. Anything is possible with magic.
"We will just have to keep on going. " I told them. We managed to get to the end of the hall with no problem. We went through. And we came to..... the same room. Wait what? But we kept moving forward. Till we reached the door and we reached the same room again. What the heck is going on? Suddenly, I heard a deep voice calling in the dark. 
"Young ones, your grandparents accused me of crimes that I did not commit. Even after helping them in the first war, they still did not trust me. For their unrighteous decision, you shall pay the price of your lives. However, since you did not know of this I will allow one of you to pass through. The rest will be spared. I give you half an hour to make your own decision. Choose wisely."
I looked at my friends. We had always stuck together since we met. We wouldn't be splitting up now. However, there was something I wanted to know.......
"Hey, Astoria."
"What does this guy mean by the first war?"
Astoria visibly paled.
"We weren't the first to battle Maleficant. Our grandparents and fairytale land were under siege by her. Fortunately for our grandparents, tempest decided to join their side. His powerful storms knocked away enemy forces when they got too close. Wind spirits blasted their opponents to dust. But after the war, our grandparents were afraid of tempest. He was stronger than all of them combined. He had to be cast out, his name erased from the existence of fairytales. He was cast here to keep evil at bay. I believe that our grandparents blamed him for the rebelling storm spirits and for not keeping them at bay or worse still, they believed that he let them attack in the first place!"
The deep voice laughed.
"See? This young lady understands what happened. Yes, I was cast out of fairytale land because of my power. Your grandparents should be thanking me. I restricted as many wind and storm spirits as possible. You would have been overwhelmed if I didn't stop them. Now choose and decide your fate."
We all discussed who would go in. Finally, I was chosen. Despite my weakness, I knew that I was the only one strong enough to beat tempest. At worst, I would die but my friends would be safe. But I knew something else could help me or at least someone. Let's hope that he comes.

Yo everyone. It has been a while since I last wrote on wattpad. I hope you're having a good time reading this. If any opinions, just ask away. This is coolzac12 signing out.

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