chapter 8: yet another letter

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Rose's pov
We didn't know where the place was or what tempest wants. I decided to take the mail and check through if there is anything else tempest has sent I saw a letter which had a stamp of a storm and was from a friend but no name was written on it. I immediately opened it up. It read "you couldn't solve my riddle so I will give you a clue. 1st September, 3rd December, 5th March, 2nd November, 1st October, 3rd July. Read it carefully and the answer will be revealed." I did not know what he was talking about actually in this case what he was writing about. I let the others know about it and we discussed the matter at hand. But we couldn't figure it out. We tried using the first letters, we got sdmnoj. What? Tried again. We changed the numbers into letters. We got......acebac. Nani? One last attempt. We counted the number of the month like January = 1
February = 2
Then we changed it into letters. The jibberish we had was ilckjg. And on and on. Nothing we had made sense. We ended up with garbage. We decided to go out to eat. It was around noon. Yes we had spent the entire afternoon with different possibilities. Oh my god!! My hunger seemed to eat me away. We decided to go to a nearby McDonalds. While we ate we talked about the different possibilities for the code but to no avail. Soon we decided to part. When I got back home, I saw a note. "You have three days to find me or your lives are useless to me." It said. Our deadline was getting shorter and shorter. What will we do?

Hallo everybody and I have a question for ya. Do you think I should do a q&a with the characters of my book. If so, put your questions down below. I will do my best to answer them. This is Coolzac12 signing out.

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