chapter 2:what the

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Frisk's pov
That was no mistake I am pretty sure that I heard the skeleton brothers say it among themselves when we left the underground." I am really sure I heard it before." "Okay so do you have any idea what it means." "I only heard it not speak or understand it." "Darn it." Said rose. I asked whether I could have some time by myself. She said that it would be alright. I left and went to my room.I thought back on my time in the underground. Then I thought of the genocide route. I shuddered. My least favourite route. Then I remember her encouragement {Come on frisk you can reset anyways} she kept  blaming herself that she was why the genocide route even started but I knew better. I was the one picking up the weapons after all. And if I really was a pacifist I would not have picked up the weapons at all and would have ignored her encouragement. But I never had the courage to tell her about it. (*you feel your sins crawling on your back) it is all in the past now. Why can't I move on. I have few options left I think I should reset to the part before I got stuck in here. I open up my save file but to my horror the reset button was cracked and my location was unknown .
How did this happen the reset button was never touched by anyone.....unless. Unless in this world others have as much determination as I do. Or something else happened. I decided to save there. Rose poked in her head and said that it was time for lunch. I told her I would go to her house in a while. In case you are wondering I live in the bunker that team built a while back in thr war that they had. Those teachers of theirs put a magical veil making this invisible to everyone except the team,me and anyone we let in. Which reminds me I had better go to lunch I am starving.

Welp that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed this and this is coolzac12 signing out.

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