chapter 9: figuring out the riddle

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Rose's pov
I hate this. I hate being away from hawk. It's been so long.
(No I am not talking about the fanfic that is all your fault. Only two people answered me. TWO FREAKING PEOPLE. But enough drama onwards with the story)
His blue hair, his gorgeous green eyes and his hot body...... almost godly. Argh I need to think of something else. I know the whole team can do one of those online riddles on YouTube. Why? Cause we all are getting stressed out. Plus if astoria gets this wrong we can laugh our heads off. Still....... why is frisk acting so distant? I mean why even go to a mountain? That's the last place I want to go. Anyways, I got to message the team to meet up at my place later.
Le magical time skip brought by the pissed off author who is pissed at those people who did not give me their opinion.
So I set up my computer and we start to play the video. The first question was pretty easy. What will get to everything? Time. Second question. Heh heh. Astoria raged when she saw the answer. If ben wants to get into a club, he needs a password.
First person: three
Bouncer: twelve
Second person: six
Bouncer: eight
You may think it is pretty simple. But it was the number of letters the word of the number. Not the number divided by 2. I nearly fell to the floor if astoria hadn't started shooting magic vines everywhere. But the third question was the key. It was the most obvious thing but yet I didn't understand. I knew I had found out our answer to the riddle. The riddle was a murder was committed. There were three suspects. Julie, Andrew and John. The victim left a note. 1 January, 4 October, 5 March and 3 June. Who is the murderer. The answer was very simple. The number was to represent the letter's place in the month. So the answer was John. Because J-O-H-N. So I did the same to the riddle we were given. I got s-c-h-o-o-l which made the answer so clear. We had to meet tempest at the school. I mean it did make sense. Maleficant did rise from the school. Which would make sense. So we had to make yet another visit back to school. I had enough of evil already. Let's just see what he wants.

Now you probably hate me but I am busy ok. Plus you guys didn't vote so I sped things up. This is for @pumkin_wizard79 and @2345678_megan. Thx for voting enjoy the story.

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