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"I honestly thought everyone hated me because I always wanted them to cook or watch a movie with me or some crap like that but I guess they didn't really care..."

Kayana sighed and looked up towards the ceiling.Emptily staring at it's architecture.

"Also,I think I just came back to my senses and I must admit.I am stupid.Very very stupid."

She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Darn,I've been a pain in all of your asses.I'm so sorry,your highness."

'Urd isn't Ferid.Urd isn't my friend.He is my superior.He is of a higher ranking than I.I must respect him and put that demon in place.'

"I'm ready to do as you please,Urd.What are the details of this mission?"

Urd nodded.

"I'm glad you came back to your senses.Now,you are aware of the school you used to attend.The school that did those magic testings.You will attend that school as a teacher along with Lord Ky.I want you to steal as much files as you can and return as soon as possible."

"Understood,but how exactly do we get in?I mean we literally live in a world where the mojority of people died so for us to pop out of nowhere would seem weird and Ky looks older than me."

"Noted but the man who runs that place is a man (not an error) and humans are full of desire,unfortunately for them the children are being tested on so they can't do anything with them.You are a desirable girl,I think we can have some maids turn you into an even more desirable woman and I think you can handle the rest from there.It's like what happens among the livestock.It's hard to control sexual desire but they have the younger girls to prey onbut they can't because the children are experimented on.It's honestly pitiful to see how humans have so little care for eachother.Have a few close friends and everyone is is worthless . "

"Aren't we like that too,My King?Well at least here the children are happy but they're so lifeless at Sanguinem."She stated

He merely shrugged in reply and sighed.

"At this point,to be very honest with you.We are doing them a favour while keeping ourselves alive.Horsemen of John would waste no time to split then into pieces and they'd all die yet we provide safety for them.Life out there is certainly not better than here.Also to add to that the foolish humans would start wars over foolish things,leave each other behind,backstab eachother.It's just a whole mess with them.Then there illnesses and diseases.There are no doctors or medics.Natural disasters are another factor."

His ruby red eyes blankly stared at the ceiling and Urd tapped his long fingernails on the desk lightly.

Kayana was prepared to leave so she got up and went over to his side,stopping just behing his chair.
She leaned over slightly and rested her head on his shoulder and her arms were wrapped loosely arms around his neck.

"I much agree.It is safe to say they started war on us.They always find some rubbish to bring up wars and use 'Justice'as an excuse."

He made no movement because didn't mind.Kayana then prough her lips to his pointed ears and softly said.

"Too bad for them though,There isn't much I know about but I atleast know you wouldn't have your ass handed to you by a bunch of no-good ,brain-dead blood bags."

Before anymore could be said guards walked in requesting his presence.The ballet convert was starting soon so she kissed his cheek and bid goodbye.


Kayana sighed as she waited for Ky to meet up with her.She checked her profile one last time.

Amiliyah Jaden
Wife of Marco Jaden.

LOL.She could never see Ky as a Marco

This meant if she had to seduce their principal,she'd had to have an 'affair.'

Gosh.This is like one of those dramas

She and Ky had to get there on their own and boy Kayana knew it was gonna be a wild ride.Unlike Urd and Lest,Ky was carefree .VERY carefree.

And he'd probally tease the hell out of her.She knew she was bound to have fun.

It didn't take long for the older noble to arrive and he looked like he was enjoying this situation too much.

"Oh my,there's my beautiful wife ." He greeted.

Kayana rolled her eyes and pointed at the car.

"Oh shut up and get in the car.We gotta real long ride.Might take us a day or two so we better get moving."
She said.

She then turned around and made her way to the car,tilting her head slightly in his direction with a small smirk

"and be a dear and put my baggage in the trunk please."

10 bags.
There is so such thing as too much fabulous clothes.


Well this is the last mission Kayana has before she goes to find Yuichiro.

Thanks yall for commenting and voting.

(Editing)The Light And The Darkness. Seraph Of The End X Reader Fanfiction  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang