Chapter Thirty Eight: Liar

Start from the beginning

"I am fucking careful,I'll ask for the contract and once that happens Kiel will give up" he replied rubbing his temples,
"That contract will take up to ten days to be fully developed for you Ivan,how are You going to manage and especially with your situation?"
Xavier replied with a sigh,

"I don't know" Ivan lowered his head,
"The best thing to do,is to give him what he wants." Xavier suggested,
"Are you crazy?!" Ivan's eyes widened and he glared at Xavier,

"Listen to me Ivan. You understand what I'm saying right now." Xavier said again,
"solo sigue lo que digo,"

"Excuse me what the fuck?" I finally decided to break my silence,
"What are you two talking about?"
"It's nothing to concern you Irene." Xavier answered calling me with my real name,strange,I thought they didn't know,
"No it is," I protested

"Don't get involved in stuff that don't involve you" Ivan replied,
"Listen i might not understand Spanish but i can understand my own name and you said it between the dialogues you were spitting" I replied crossing my arms
Ivan looked at Xavier and He nodded while Ivan sighed.

"It will be okay at the end Ivan,you'll regret bits of it but you won't regret losing someone you love." Xavier exclaimed.


"Be careful," Candace told Eric who was helping Ivan into the car,for some reason Ivan didn't want to stay in the hospital longer,he desperately wanted to get home and the doctor couldn't stop him,

"Eric,take Irene with you" he ordered without even asking if I wanted to or not,
"What I don't want to go with him i want to go with you-" I interrupted,
"Take her,and don't forget to do what i told you to do," as soon as Ivan sat down on the car seat and Eric closed the car door he grabbed my wrist and opened the passenger seat's door,

"Eric i don't want to-," i whined,
"I'm just taking orders Ma'am" he gently pushed me into the car,
"What the hell why is he like this with me?!," I stomped my foot and didn't buckle my seatbelt,
I was too pissed,

Eric didn't start the car instead he leaned over me and buckled my seatbelt for me,
He grabbed my arm and tore down my shirt's sleeve,

"Hey! Are you nu-!" I yelled at him until i felt the same hateful feeling of the needle digging deep in my skin,
"I'm sorry Ma'am,I'm just executing my orders" Eric continued to inject me,
"You'll rest well"

He took off his jacket and put it over me covering me,I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep the last thing i heard being the car starting.


"Ah!" I whined getting up,i was in bed,but oddly,in my old room,this place
Why am i here? I moved to Ivan's room,why would Ivan send me off here?

Something is happening and I'm not okay with it,that's it,why is Ivan so different with me now?!

I removed the covers and swung the door open,I stormed off to Ivan's room bursting through the door,his chest was naked,and there was a nurse in the room with him helping him dress,

"We need to talk" I ignored whatever the hell the nurse was doing and walked to Ivan,
"I'm busy right now" he replied uninterestingly
"You're not busy you just don't want to talk to me!" I yelled at him
"You shouldn't yell like that Ma'am" the nurse interrupted,

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