- the end -

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hello everyone, major apologies. I know I have broken many promises, but I promise to fulfill this one.

as many of you know already, I've fallen out of the Steven universe fandom. most of my story is lacking correct information, strays away from canon and messes up the potential I originally had for this story. With the fact you could insert your own OC gem, it also messed up fights I planned on making. Heck, you're all very creative with gem powers, I wouldn't want to mess them up and assume you had this or that.

I love each and every one of you for giving me the support that I originally had for writing this story. seeing your comments and votes, even as I take a long break for my mental health's sake, makes me smile. thank you.

here's what I had written for chapter 18 before I took my break:


"...and that's how I first met Ametrine. She was a really great soldier, and even with abilities like hers, she was still clumsy and sometimes ignorant. Have you ever met a gem like that?" You turned your head towards Jasper, squinting your eyes to avoid the sun beginning to make its way out from behind the clouds.

Jasper ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "I never really had friends. I was injected into the ground as a last minute soldier for Pink Diamond, and since then, I've followed orders and behaved..." she seemed to trip up on 'Pink Diamond', appearing frustrated and upset.

"You don't have to talk about it, it was hard on all of us." You tried to pat Jasper's shoulder, but she sharply turned her body around to look at something. You touched her shoulder blade though, but it was for a quick second.

"Hey, the sand is gone." Jasper's gruff voice said while she looked at the ground. She knelt down and touched the now dew-drop studded grass, feeling the water between her fingers.

"...okay? It means we're near land. Maybe Peridot ran somewhere over here," You said with a small shrug.

Jasper stood back up and scanned the land that was visible. There was mostly trees, but where the land met the ocean was a small wooden platform held up by


The plot I had planned for this story was that you and Jasper would stumble upon Steven once more. He would eventually get you to bond with the Crystal Gems, but only for the fact that Peridot was now connected with the them, as well as your original group with Lapis, etc. 

One day, Lapis runs away, and you all go to find her. During that time, you and Jasper become closer and closer, fusing in private very often after a second accidental fuse while trying to fix the ship. You usually fused in very secluded areas, since your fusion size was larger than Garnet (depending on what your gem was).

Lapis would be discovered under the water. How it came to be was still under planning. It would be a treacherous journey, having to deal with Steven's overprotective team constantly arguing with Jasper over ideals, Pink Diamond, etc, and you often had to break up the fights before things got physical.

I was going to insert some fights as you got closer to Lapis' location, they mostly involve you and Jasper, but a couple were done by the gems as well. Sort of like a competition. This causes tension, Steven tries to resolve it through song, and despite it not working as well as he had hoped, you continue.

Major battle against Lapis when you find her. You and Jasper fuse for the first time in front of everyone else when Opal can't defend herself against Lapis' water army.

The falling action was a WIP, so it's open for interpretation.

Here's the ending I had in mind. Feel free to create what you want in your head for the ending, but this is how I personally wanted it to end. Thank you all so much for everything, you've all made writing worthwhile.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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