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The sound of flip flops slapping against the hot wooden boardwalk of Fun Land echoed as Steven ran past the colorful tents and attractions. In his hand was a small stone. "Connie! Connie! You there?" He called out. Connie, who wore a bright yellow dress and her yellow sun hat with red rain boots came running from behind a striped tent labeled 'Consessions'. She smiled and waved to him. "Sorry Steven! I had to stop and get some water, it's hard running across the beach to get here..."

Steven chuckled and smiled back. "That's alright! But I need some help right now. It's gem business! Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst captured two new Homeworld gems on the beach! I need to get into the temple, and I kinda want you there just in case something goes wrong," he blushed a little and looked down.

Connie gasped. "Really? Two new gems? What are they? Why are they here? Oh, do you have their ship?" She bombarded the poor boy with questions until he yelled, "Let's go already! The gems are going on a mission, so I won't be left alone for long." Connie nodded. "Okay then!" She giggled and ran along beside him back to the temple. When they arrived, everything was strangely silent, but both the kids shrugged it off.

Both opened the screen door, then shut it behind them. They were just about to walk past the warp pad when suddenly it lit up, small fragments of light quickly piecing together to form solid bodies. The gems returned, and in Garnet's gauntlets was a bubble containing shards of a shiny blue gem. "Heyo Steven!" Amethyst hooted. She hopped off the pad and hopped onto the counter, bubbling with excitement. Pearl worriedly held a shattered mirror, and Garnet remained expressionless. "Hello... Steven..." Pearl said as she scurried off to her room in the temple. Garnet nodded to both of them and followed behind, entering her private room.

Steven messed around with the small stone in his palm. It was covered in sweat now, and Steven realized his plan wasn't going as accurately as he hoped it would. He wished the gems gone for longer, but now his hope was for them to leave again. Luckily, Pearl announced -after she had left her room-, "We'll be leaving again, Steven, for the afternoon. There's sandwich materials in the fridge, and your chips are in the cupboard above it." She pointed over into the kitchen, then lowered her hand slowly as she saw Amethyst shoving fistfuls of chips into her mouth. "...you'll just be having a sandwich, then." She frowned.

Amethyst was still eating away happily, not caring for Steven's horrified face. "Amethyst," he cried out as he grabbed the bag from her greasy purple fingers. "I told you not to touch my Chaps!" He grabbed a clip and clipped the bag back together, then put them away. Amethyst rolled her eyes and groaned. "Finnneeee, I'll stop." Connie walked up behind Amethyst and grabbed her hand, lifting it to show her crossed fingers. "Aha! Caught you!" She pointed at her with a smirk.

She shrugged and hopped off the counter, licking her fingers. "Whatever. Anyways, see you guys tonight," she waved and hopped into the warp pad. Pearl walked over and gave Steven and Connie a quick pat on the head. "You two stay safe! Remember, Steven, you have Greg's number on the fridge in case you loose your phone, and extra snacks are—"

"I know, I know, now you guys have to stay safe for me, promise?" Steven flashed Pearl an innocent smile. Pearl nodded, seeming more re-assured. Steven flicked his eyes over to the temple door just in time as Garnet stepped out, the bubble in her hand gone. Connie, seeing the stone and the door, grabbed the rock from his hand and snuck over to the door, placing it between the frame so the door couldn't shut all the way. She gave a thumbs up to Steven, then stood in front of the door to hide the small crack of space.

Garnet stood on the warp pad. "Gems, lets go. Connie, make sure Steven doesn't do anything suspicious," she says. Connie nodded and salutes her. "Will do!"

The warp pad flashed, and their forms broke away into light. Soon, they were gone. Both kids sighed with relief.

"Is it—" Steven looked over at Connie as she stepped out of the way. "Well, we did it! Let's go!" They both laughed and pried open the door, letting it shut behind them.


The loud beating of a heart, followed by the sound of bubbling magma, filled the room. After a while, the beating sound got ominous.

Steven looked around, eagerly trying to remember the gem's colors and shapes. Connie was excited as she ran around, looked down into the lava and down the pit where the glass pole supported the giant heart. "I've never been here before... this is so cool!" She beamed. Steven nodded, his eyes still wandering around for the right gems.

"So, what do they look like? Their gems?" Connie asked as she looked down once again into the void where the glass supporter stood.

Steven paused and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "One is like a shiny (G/C) {{gem color}}, and it's kinda shaped like a (G/S) {{gem shape}}. It was on her (G/SP) {{gem spot}}. It's really pretty!" He smiled. "Then the other is a bright yellow and orange, it's also shiny, and it's like a... kite? Pyramid? It's hard to remember, but it was on her nose." He placed his finger on his nose.

Connie made a little "Hm," noise as she looked around, her face furrowing in concentration.

"Oh! There was also this green one, it's like an upside down triangle, on her forehead," he said.

"Like these three?" Connie pointed upwards at a spot above her, where three bubbles were clustered together. A green triangle, an orange 'kite', and a (G/C) (G/S) we're stuck together like glue. Steven's eyes formed stars. "Yeah! Thanks Connie!" He gave her a high five. Steven, with his mother's ability to leap into the air, leaped upwards and grabbed the three bubbles, careful not to pop them. When he landed softly on the stone earth, he carefully popped Peridot's gem and your gem. He held onto Jasper's, for he knew she was dangerous.

Both gems rose into the air slowly, light bursting from the center like a supernova. Steven and Connie had to shield their eyes as limbs and features sprouted from the light, before gaining better shape and some color. 

Peridot was the first to fall onto the ground. She looked at her stubby arms and legs before she screamed like she was a mouse on helium. "My limb enhancements! Where are they?!" She screamed again, feeling her arms in a panic.

You were the next to fall to the ground, a small "Oof," escaping your lips. You slowly stood up, knees wobbling, and leaned on Peridot. The smaller gem shoved you away from her. "Hey! I'm not an arm rest!" She hissed.

"Sorry, sorry," you muttered. You quickly looked around for Jasper before you sighed and landed your gaze on Steven and Connie.

"W-who are you...?" You asked quietly, before repeating yourself due to Perisot's screaming and running around causing an echo.

"I'm Steven, and welcome to the Crystal Gems!"

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