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It was dark.

'W-what's going on?'

'Wait... why do I... we? You're here too?'

'Why does my voice... our... voice... sound so strange?'

'I-I don't understand, why are my arms moving like yours?'

'This makes no sense... what are we...?'

You (two?) stood up, groaning. You (both) looked down, eyes widing significantly. Moving your arms, you realized you had more than two... you had four. Reaching up to touch your hair, your other two arms stayed below. Your hair was more fluffy, and it was whiter than the original color. Your skin tone was now (O/C) {{optional color}}, and it startled you. You attempted to stand now, and your stance was very wobbly. You collapsed back into the sand before you and Jasper groaned, emitting a bright white light white. Then, your combined body split, and you both fell into the grainy dunes.

Jasper sat up and rubbed her head, wincing. You sat up quickly and glanced over at her, fear, confusion, and shock in your eyes. She did the same while the three gems at the top of the sandy hill looked down, all with... unknown expressions. "Jasper..." you muttered. "What was that...?"

Jasper didn't respond, for she was examining her arms and legs. With a quick shake of her head and a dusting of her uniform, she stood up and walked over to you. She helped you up, and whispered in your ear, "That was (G/T) {{Gem Type}}. We... fused." She managed to choke out. You blushed ferociously, but managed to hide it behind some hair. "..." you didn't say anything.

The pearl above the sand dune with the most horrified expression shook her head, and prepared to charge. "RAUGH—!" She was stopped by the Garnet, who extended her arm to push her back. "Pearl, no. I... just don't." She began to walk down the dune, but the Amethyst and Pearl stayed behind. Jasper stood her ground, and you took her place behind her. Something told you this wasn't going to end well

The Garnet stood in front of Jasper, her mouth still slightly parted in shock. "Two Homeworld Gems... fused? That was... amazing!" She gasped and smiled. Jasper raised an eyebrow. "...Why would you care? I might as well tell our Diamonds to shatter us, and for all three of you for being traitors to your Homeworld." She grunted, a soft film of blush on her face. "The fusion was an accident."

"But do you understand? I saw something! You both must've felt something... something wonderful!" Garnet looked between you both.

Flustered, you snapped. "Back off! There's nothing between us, alright?! We're just looking for two lost members of our crew, and to check upon the cluster!"

Jasper turned to you, surprised. Garnet did the same, and she pushed her shades further upon her nose. Her excited smile turned back to her same facial expressions from earlier; unclear. "...I see," she says after a minute. "But first..." she quickly summoned her gauntlets. Jasper took notice and frowned. She wrapped an arm around your waist and leaped somewhere, just before Garnet attempted to punch Jasper straight in the gem. Jasper landed back at the top of the dune, where the other 2 gems stood ready.

Garnet leaped up to the others. "Quite surprising, I didn't think a quartz like you would think to move," she says monotone. Jasper snorted and laughed. "I'm the best Quartz there is out there, and compared to this tiny runt," she pointed to Amethyst. "I'm the greatest." The pearl growled lowly and charged at Jasper. She grabbed her spear and swung the Pearl off it before she snapped it. Pearl gasped and grunted as she hit the earth, yelling, "My Spear!"

You looked at Jasper angrily. "Jasper! Quit it!" Jasper merely tossed the remains of the spear and rolled her eyes. "This  is our chance to find Peridot and Lapis, not destroy what can help us!" You smacked Jasper's arm, but that didn't do much. "I see why they'd send you along, to test my sanity," she laughed darkly. "Get your weapon out, now." She barked.

You looked surprised by her sudden behavior, but nodded and obeyed, summoning your weapon in a quick flash of your gem's light. All the gems took their stance, and you did too. All three of the enemy gems ran at you and Jasper. Garnet proceeded to go after Jasper in a tangle of gauntlets and helmets, while you took on the Pearl and Amethyst. The two gave each other an uneasy glance, and with a swift little dance, both fused together in a bright flash.

Nearly dropping your weapon, you looked up at the giant woman. She was massive in height, and her bright bow-and-arrow lit up with a prepared purple arrow. You gulped and dodged just in time as the arrow went wizzing by you and into the sand, sending a cloud of sand flying. With a loud battle cry, you swung your W/C at the woman's legs, but she kicked you with a soft grunt. You flew into the air, but boomeranged back and stabbed the giant woman. She cried out and grabbed you with one of her four arms. Now, you couldn't move. "JASPER, HELP ME!" You cried out.

Jasper caught a glance of you trapped in the hands of the giant woman. She quickly turned back to Garnet, kicked her in the stomach, and then ran at Opal. Garnet slid about 5 feet away before she skidded to a stop and ran after Jasper. "G/N, toss me your weapon!" She hollered at you from the ground. You squirmed around for a bit before your W/C slid from a small part inbetween Opal's fingers. Her other three hands desperately tried to catch it, but it landed in Jasper's hands quickly. She rammed into Opal's chest after she launched herself into the air, and Opal quickly defused in a poof.

You ran to Jasper's side. "G/N, fuse with me!" She looked down at you and grabbed your hand. You blushed and nodded before Jasper spun you, her arm wrapped around your waist. You kicked your leg out to the side, smiling. Jasper spun you around one more time before you both leaned in close to each other. Garnet watched in horror as Jasper's wicked smile grew larger and larger, your forms combining once again into (G/T).

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