Chapter 6

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Just as the ship left the area a groundbridge opened and the autobots passed through with their guns out, as they investigate the scene in front of them and saw the burnt energon mine because of an explosion "untapped energon deposit" a red and blue mech said "what's left of it" said another with a much more round built and green color scheme "the first decepticon activity in three years" said a orange and white one "that we know of, if they're scouting for energon they may be preparing for his return" the red and blue mech said, as they went to the energon mine a blue and pink femme spotted one of her comerade's horn "no" she said showing the horn to their medic and leader "Ratchet can you track his position?" their leader asked, as their medic opened a panel on bitarlueus showing on red signal and for yellow ones as red signal disappeared showing that their comrade Cliffjumper is now offline "no Cliffjumper's life signal, just went offline", as Arcee held the horn close to her chassis she saw something that made her energon run cold in her cables, she saw a trace of the one she thought was dead in the war. Her sister's old electric whip, she picked it up and inspect it, their scout was curious to what Arcee found and beeped "what is that Arcee?" he asked, the said femme clenched her servo's around her sister's old weapon and showed it to her leader "Optimus we're in trouble, if she is in the decepticons than we must be more careful she might have gained new abilities right now" she said as Optimus took the old weapon from Arcee's servo and frowned, the one he thought as his own sister was in the decepticons "then we mustn't engage in battle if we ever did encounter her, but if we are forced to engage then we have no choice but to fight back".

In the Nemesis

Soundwave walked towards there SIC in the bridge "Soundwave what is it?" the seeker said impatiently, Soundwave played a recording of Arcee to Starscream, Black Widow was also in the room listening intently in their conversation "the one called Arcee, wisely just one autobot when we still have the adavantage of surprise" he said.

To the autobots location in a cliff

The autobots stood on top of a cliff mourning for their comrade's death "we must not allow our anger over the loss of Cliffjumper to impair our judgement, as of today only we 5 autobots remain on this Earth we owe to ourselves to the memory of cybertron, to any autobots in any galaxy seeking harbor, to humankind, and we owe it to the memory of our fallen comrade to survive" Optimus said as Arcee carefully placed her partner's horn on top of the cliff "Arcee" the prime said concerned for the femme "if Cliff's gone, standing around here sulking won't bring him back and if my sister is still online and in the decepticon's we're in grave danger, so unless anyone minds think I'll get back to protecting humankind" Arcee said transforming to her alt. mode drives off. Ratchet wanted to tell the real reason and that her sister was dying by a disease called hemoptysis to Arcee as to why her sister has to kill their clan but went against it for it was Black Widow or R.V.'s wish for Ratchet as she left with the decepticons, Ratchet walked to their leaders side and said "Optimus, helping humans will only result in more tragedy" "your opinion is noted" said the Prime.

In a town in Jasper, Nevada a restaurant called knockout burger a 20 year old boy was working in the restaurants drive in was working "welcome to KO drive-in where every patty's a knockout, may I take your order?" said the boy as the customer ordered "uh two super combo's, extra fries" "okay dos numero two's, anything else?" the boy asked "yeah some advice, how do I get an awesome job like yours?" the customer said on the other side laughter's were heard making the boy fume "so that's two we're not as funny as we think we are combo's with a side of bite me" the boy said angered "ha ha, what you say?" the customer taunts the boy "559 sir, at the window" as the boy turned his back the customer took his order without paying their food "hey! I have to pay for that". While Arcee was scouting the area with her holoform activated, a black and violet Lamborghini followed her in the town where the boy was, Arcee adjusted her side mirror to see the black and violet Lamborghini following her 'only one bot has that color scheme and alt. mode' Arcee thought, Arcee increased her speed and manage to lose the Lamborghini but two grounders followed Arcee in the town and the lamborghini was just behind the two grounders, she then parked in Knockout burger and she deactivated her holoform and acted like a normal vehicle to not gain the humans attention, unknown of her that the lamborghini was parked in the same restaurant as her. The boy exited the restaurant and he got a call form his mom "hey mom I just got off, no I'm not going to the dance, experience suggest I should never cut a rug, unless I'm installing carpet, be careful? seriously, this is Jasper" he then noticed Arcee's alt. mode in awe "I love you yeah, I-I love you to mom I gotta run" Black Widow adjusted her side mirror to watch what he's gonna do to his sister as Arcee too did the same to watch the boy on what he's gonna do with her "hello beautiful, where have you been all my life nice" he said feeling Arcee's seat, making Arcee shiver a bit and Black Widow to cringe, as the boy took a seat on Arcee "It may take a few KO paychecks but I am gonna own a ride like you someday" "are you talking to your motorcycle?" a girl said as she and her friend laughed at the boy "my motorcycle no I-I mean yes it's it's mine but no I'm not talking that well to you I-I am" the poor boy stuttered "so how's things Sierra take you for a  spin sometime?" the boy asked hopefully :grounders be ready to capture her: Black Widow ordered the two grounders :yes commander: as all three cons slowly creep-ed towards the autobot femme "you know my name?" the girl called Sierra said "we were in homeroom together, I'm Jack, Jack Darby" he introduced himself only to be cut off as revv's of engine's were heard "scrap" Arcee said as the two cons sped towards the humans and autobot, the two girls run away, but Arcee manage to run in between the cons scratching both cons side and scaring Jack out of his life. The lamborghini then chased the motorcycle with the two cons behind her "do not let go" Arcee told Jack scaring him more "who said that!?" the boy said scared and panicking  :try to sandwich Arcee and retrieve the human: Black Widow commanded the two cons :yes commander: they both did as what they were told by their commander but Arcee backed up making both cons hit themselves and as both of them seperated, Arcee sped inbetween them and turned a sharp right :commander Starscream target sighted accompanied by a human youth: Black Widow comm'ed Starscream :destroy them both: said there commander.

how will the two sisters react when they met once more after many years?

To be continued

No Sacrifice No Victory (Arcee's Sister, Soundwave's Lover) || DISCONTINUED||Where stories live. Discover now