Chapter 3 - The Choice

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Chapter 3 - The Choice

The night was long. Jake and Maia walked for a long time, neither of them talking. Jake could not tell what lay ahead in his future, but he knew it was going to be different than he had ever experienced before. He felt eager, excited at the prospect of fighting along great heroic people, of fighting for a good cause. It was just the same as every fantasy story he had ever heard.

The wind rustled through the trees, and Jake shivered. Maia was leading him down a pathway he had never travelled before, one she navigated with ease and a practised air, never stopping to make sure she was heading the correct way, her green eyes following the slim beam of moonlight filtering through the leafy canopy above.

The dull hum of cicada's surrounded them, and besides that, the only sound was the crunching of their boots over the fallen leaves that littered the forest floor.

"We are almost there," said Maia, looking over her shoulder at him. "There is a place not far from here called the Cliffs. That is our destination. From there we can follow the tunnels until we get to the Underground Sub-rails, a series of tracks that were used to transport food and supplies in times of emergency between Gradi City and the City of Ker'ai."

Jake nodded; his mind was on other things. Namely, the fact that he was being called the Chosen One, a sort of saviour of people who was supposed to defeat King Yerga and free the land of his tyranny. Oh, I almost forgot that little bit of information for a second. Good thing it's not very important. Even in his head, his voice was sarcastic.

He had no idea how he was going to achieve this goal set out for him, but only time could tell what was going to happen in the future. Time and a inordinate amount of luck.

"We have reached the entrance of the Cliffs," Maia's voice woke Jake from his thoughts. He looked up and saw a steep rock face ahead of him, the jagged ruts of stone premade handholds for them to use, haphazardly placed, rising upwards and into the darkness.

Maia was already beginning to climb up the rocks, swiftly navigating the cliff-face as if she had done this all her life. How does she do that?

"I guess this is where my great climbing skills come in handy," joked Jake, reaching for the first hand hold and heaving himself upward. "If I have any."

"Do not think so little of yourself," said Maia, already far ahead of him. "I have seen many people who cannot achieve half of what you are able."

"Which is what?"

"You should know the answer to that question better than I," said Maia, still climbing, her voice level, Jake below her. "No doubt you have many stories to tell of your adventures."

"I very much doubt that anyone at the Alliance would want to hear my stories," answered Jake with a small smile, reaching up for the next handhold. "Even if they were interesting."

"You would be surprised then," said Maia from above him. "Many people there are eagerly awaiting your arrival, and all you have to tell."


"Yes," said Maia. "As I have told you, being the Chosen One is no small thing."

Jake rolled his eyes.

Soon they were at the top of the cliff, tree tops beside them, their trunks vanishing into the darkness below, the grassy forest floor a black, featureless sheet below them. A gaping cave mouth could be seen a short distance away, hewn professionally from the rock, the entrance to the connecting tunnel between Aroma Woods and the Underground Sub-rails.

The two of them began to walk, Jake trying to make conversation - he had far too many questions whirling around in his brain to choose from, so he asked the first thing that came to his mind.

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