"Miller's a good pilot," Kai said conversationally, trying to cover up her own discomfort.

Miller was one of the pilots she had been training. He was the most experienced after her and the Major.

"What?" John asked turning back to her. Then he realized how worried he must have seemed and he quickly schooled his expression. "Right," he agreed. "Course he is."

Kai followed the Major down to the locker room to gear up. Teyla and Ford were already down there. It was Teyla's first mission back on active duty and the Athosian seemed eager to get back to work. Kai didn't blame her. She knew from experience how hard it could be being cooped up in the infirmary. 

The four of them stepped through the Stargate together. Ford and Sheppard set up a flanking position as they began a sweep of the area around the gate.

"All right, I want to secure a ten klick radius out from the gate. Should take a few hours, stay in radio contact. Last one back is a rotten egg."

Teyla and Kai exchanged confused glances and John let out a sigh. "Never mind," he huffed. "Ford, you're with me."

"Are you challenging us to a speed contest?" Kai asked a glimmer of challenge shining in her eyes.

John frowned at her and she actually smirked at him. "I would have thought you had learned your lesson Major," she teased.

He snorted and shook his head. "Let's move out," he called then he turned back. It was rare of Kai to open up so much in front of others, he didn't want to discourage her. "Last one back has to escort Kavanagh's team next time they go off-world."

Teyla and Kai exchanged a pleased smile and the two took off into the underbrush. They started with a traditional sweep pattern and worked their way out from there.

They had only been in the planet a couple hours when Kai heard something like thunder. She frowned and looked up, but the sky was blue and the sun was still shining. She froze, straining her senses to see if the noise would come again.

"Kai?" Teyla asked cautiously as she noted the Mortii's distraction. Teyla had been around Kai enough to learn to depend on her heightened senses. "What is the matter?"

"I hear..." Kai started to say and then her eyes widened. "Run!" she yelled without ever seeing it. She locked her hand around Teyla's upper arm and the two women bolted back towards the gate. The trees behind them crashed and cracked as something massive gave chase. Every footstep it made sounded like thunder and Kai could feel it in her bones.

"MAJOR!" Teyla yelled into the comm. "Evac. Now!"

They sprinted towards the gate. Ford and Sheppard had beaten them back and were in formation to cover them. Kai didn't look back, she ran straight for the gate. She saw the moment it came into sight behind her. Sheppard's eyes widened for less than half a second before he started shooting.

"Ford! Dial the gate!" he yelled.

Teyla fired a spray from her P-90 over her shoulder, but nothing seemed to deter the creature. Kai risked a glance and cursed. She had never seen a reptile that large in person, only heard legends of them.

"Let's move!" Sheppard yelled as Ford disappeared through the horizon. Teyla went next and Sheppard stayed in position until Kai sprinted past him. Once they were through the three of them laid down cover fire as Major Sheppard ran across the event horizon.

"Activate the shield!" Sheppard yelled as soon as they were clear.

The shield shimmered into place and then flashed as something crashed into it on the other side. Ford leaned forward gasping for breath.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now