Past of Natsu and Y/N

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Take a deep breath Lucy, you can do this. This happened before and you've been through way worse so you can do this. "JOSE!!!" I yelled, the Said man had turned and faced my direction. I slowly breathed in and out. My thoughts slowly thinking of ways to fix the situation everyone is in.



Jet and Droy....

This week just isn't our week isn't it?

"Looks like you finally made the right choice, Heartfilia." Jose Said. I looked down and bit the inside of my cheeks. Sighing I walked up to him.

The only hope I have now is Grey on stoping the element four and Erza and Wendy on finding Natsu. Today just keeps on getting better and better.

I can't believe Lucy wants me to fight people. That is unexpected coming from her, at least the Lucy that I know, I don't have a clue on what the old Lucy was like. Where is Juvia?

"Drip drip drop... I am the rain-" I turned around to face whoever had said that odd phrase. It was Juvia. Why she staring at me? It's raining too...odd, it was sunny a while ago. "W-why is my heart beating so fast?!" The girl panicked.

What the hell is happening right now?

"Um...are you okay?" I have no idea why I asked, it's just that I feel worried for some reason. I understand that in the past, we were guild mates or something like that but was she something more to me in the past life that I feel worried right now?

Her eyes had turn into hearts, "Oh, I must know your name!" She said.

"Grey." I simply said, it's not that I'm trying to be rude but I just want this done and over with. We live in the 21st century and yet we done some non logical things. Is there any way that we could just get to the end of this day, find Natsu, and bring everything back to normal. I don't care which normal, it could be where Lucy came from or where we are now. Just make things turn normal again.

Sighing , I shook my head. Maybe this won't be as easy as we all think it will be, we're not the brightest of the bunch after all....

"Mom, Dad! Look at this!" I yelled excited to see my parents reaction to my drawing. My mother looked down at me and smiled gently. She took the paper from my hands and giggled.

"Looks like we have a mini artist in our house." She smiled. Father, who was sitting right next to her, leaned closer to see what I was so proud of.

The picture had a red dragon who was laying on the ground. It looked tired or worked out, at least that's what I like to think. I was young so my drawings weren't the best. In front of the dragon was a boy who I drew as myself but older, his expression was sad. This piece of art was different from my old happy ones. That is why I loved it so much.

Who knew that the same saddened expression on the boys face would be placed on my real on years later.

Now at the age of fourteen, I walked home from school expecting to feel the same old happy Dragneel vibe that always roams the house. "Natsu, are those the ambulance?" Grey asked with a worried expression as he pointed towards the medical vehicles.

My eyes widened with realizatio, "Th-That's my house!!" Grey and I took off running both worried at what had happened while we were away.

Once we reached the house, I saw dad talking to one of the workers. "I don't know! When I came home from work, I just saw her on there on the floor!" My father said freaking out. His worried voice making me freak out possibly more than him.

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