Chapter Twenty: Unexpected Guest.

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Hello reader!

  My sincere apologies to those who are reading this, it's been taking me a long time to come up with some new story ideas. I promise to hurry and try to get more chapters into it, but thank you guys so much for your patients!



  The phone went silent on the other line. 

What the hell? I didn't know what just happened. I knew she was mad at me, it was my fault. 

I grabbed my car keys off the side of my bed table and threw my jacket over my shoulder. I had to fix things. I bolted down the stair casing, the maids stood at the bottom and bowed to me as I passed them.

"Good morning, sir." They said at the same time. It freaked me out how they looked exactly alike too. I nodded my head with out a word and the servants opened the front doors. Just as I was about to step outside, my mother called my name. 

"Luka! Where are you going?" She asked. I turned around to look at her, annoyed.

"To meet a friend." I replied bluntly. I was in a rush, I wanted to go see Avery and apologize. I was the ass that had to fix this, I wasn't going to let her go.

"Someone came here to see you." My mother said. I was about to turn around and go on my way, but Jane stepped out from the kitchen and smiled at me.

"Hello, Luka." She greeted. I stared at her. What the hell? Why was she here?

"What are you doing in my house?" I glared. My mother stood in front of her, like protecting her. 

"She's here to see you!" My mother snapped at me. "Don't be so rude!" 

I couldn't believe this. I rolled my eyes and threw my keys in my pockets. "What do you want?" I asked, looking towards Jane. She smirked at me, then walked around my mother. 

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could go out." She smiled. I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"My father is a business man, and made a deal with your father. I proposed I would be your girl friend, so that your father wouldn't get the wrath for your reputation for all those woman you slept with and broke their hearts."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 

"What? I don't just go out with woman I don't find attractive." I glanced at her up and down, then she hit me. She slapped me right across the face and I was stunned. I heard my mother gasp but didn't do anything. 

"Now you listen to me, my father will run your step dad out of his fame and fortune, unless you go out with me and be only my boyfriend." She crossed her arms. I was glaring at her. What was going on? I was about to hit her back, but I tightened my fist then looked to my mother. 

"Is this true?" I snapped. I was pissed. The red mark on my face was stinging and I was shaking with rage. I took in a deep breath, waiting for my mothers reply. She wasn't looking at me.

"Yes." She whispered. "Just go out with her, Luka. She is really a nice girl."

That's not what I wanted to hear at all. She smirked up at me, I was about to slap her.

"Why? Why would you want me?" I asked looking down at her. 

"Because I have been in love with you for a long time, Luka." She giggled then threw her arms around me. I wanted to throw up. Never in my life had I met the most annoying person in the world but what was I to do? I was glaring at my mother who still wasn't looking at me. 

I had to go to Avery, but now what the hell happened?

*     *     *     *     *     *


  School was back in session.

I was sitting in the classroom, staring out the window. I was back to wearing my sweats and long sleeve T-shirt. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned my head to look at Kay. People were starring at me, especially Kay. I felt bad for her, having to be my friend and is now being talked about. I looked back out the window, ignoring her.

"What's wrong?" She whispered. I didn't say anything. "You're still mad about, Luka, huh?" She sighed.

Still didn't say anything. She was quiet, her hand was still on my shoulder. 

"Don't feel bad for me, Avery. I decided to be your friend." She sounded sad. I opened my mouth to say something, then turned towards her. She was smiling at me. She really meant it. 

"Thanks, Kay." I smiled back and she gave me a hug. The teacher in the room cleared his throat and we quickly broke apart. He glared at us, and Kay gave me a side snicker. Without her, I would have already been in a million pieces. 

*     *      *      *     *

The bell for school to get out rang, I was pushing out the crowd of people to get out the doors. Everyone was staring at me, I felt their hatred stares burning my back and my head lowered some more. 

"I hope that it isn't her." A girl standing with her group of friends whispered. I passed them, ignoring them. 

"Yeah, really! I can't believe Luka Toledo has an official girlfriend. Can you believe that?" Another whispered. I stopped. 


I turned around and rushed over back to the group of girls. "What do you mean?" I asked. They all looked to me. 

"What? You didn't know?" One asked. 

"She's a no body, why would we tell her?" Another girl glared at me. A snooty girl hit her arm.

"Just shut up you guys, look, Luka has a girlfriend. I'm pretty sure it's not you." She sneered. I stared at them in horror. 

"He used to sleep around, didn't he?"

"Yeah, he had like twenty other girlfriend's! But I would die just to be one of them!" 

I couldn't hear them after that. My thoughts went blank and I thought my heart shattered into pieces. I whipped around and ran down the road. Tears were swelling up in my eyes.

It wasn't true, right? 

We did have a fight yesterday, but I really didn't mean it. I figured he'd have a girlfriend or something but we kissed. . .

I fell down onto the sidewalk, scraping my knees and hands. I lied there, sobbing in my bleeding and burning hands. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to end it like this. I did love him, I have always loved him. I have grown to love the new him so much that it hurt. 

I waited for him to come to me yesterday, but he never came. I had such high hopes he would call me back or something and never did.

Girlfriend, they were joking, right?

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