Chapter One: Why This Story?

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Thank you very much for reading! :D Hope you enjoy the story. A few errors here and there but I'll get to them eventually.



  My hands flipped the pages of the book over and over again. 

  My knees were curled up close to my chest as I read the book in my lap quietly.

I wasn't able to pull my eyes away. The story I was reading was Cinderella, and I desperately hated her step mother. She was an awful person. If I was locked up in a room, with only mice as friends; I wouldn't be the slightest bit nice to her. 

That wasn't true.

I'm in almost the same situation as her, but with a little more freedom and I wasn't treated like a slave. I was treated more like a burden. My hair hung down from my shoulder's as I fiddled with the long strands of brown hair in boredom. I placed the book beside me after placing my cat bookmark in the middle. I looked around my empty room, only a desk with my flip up phone sitting on it was there. My small bed was stuck in the corner of the room, close to the little window I had with a black blanket covering over it. Light escaped through the sides of the blanket, and blinded me the moment I moved into view. I peeked outside of the window, lifting the blanket and gazing out into the dark forest that was located in my backyard. There was a highway on the other side, cars and trucks zoomed by through the pine trees. 

My fingers ran through the middle of my hair, flopping it back from my eyes. I thought about going back to my book and reading, but I was bored already from reading it ten times. My body fell onto the springy bed and I curled up on my side to close my eyes and started to dream.

*     *     *     *     *

  I jolted upright when I heard the front door of my house open, then slam shut. 

I knew it.

My father had come back from the bar, and was drunk as hell. I prayed silently he wouldn't come into my room and I hid under my covers, peeking out a small hole that was in them and intensively stared at my bedroom door. I could hear him shuffling papers around and he was mumbling something I couldn't hear. A glass cup smashed against our tile flooring in the kitchen down the hall, and I flinched with surprise. My father cussed loudly and threw another against the wall. I shivered with fear, hearing my father be so aggresive at the slightest thing. My hands tightened the blankets when everything fell silent. I let out a sigh, folding the blanket back in its regular place.

I didn't sleep after that. I stayed up all night making sure he wouldn't come in my bedroom to beat me for no reason. The night I ran away flashed back in my head; when the Police took me away from Luka, they brought me back to my house and I stoodin front of my mother. I was mumbling through my sobs pleading don't go to the policeman, and as soon as he turned his back my mother closed the door and beat me with a belt. I have permanent scaring from that day, and all the time they checked to make sure I'm in my room. Of course, they weren't the ones who told the cops I had ran away; a woman had spotted me and Luka playing in the park and it was already reported Luka had ran away. So, they had assumed I had too. My parents didn't care about me, I was a mistake they couldn't get rid of.

A tear crawled down my cheek, and I rubbed the belt marks on my right arm from the day before. How could I go on living? What was my life worth anyway? I had no friends, no family to depend on, and I was a double sided mirror that no one could see through. The only person that had ever cared about me, was the boy named Luka. That was eleven years ago, and not a day has passed that I still can't remember the words he said to fill my heart with hope.

Fated loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora