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  Around every corner lies a new beginning.

   The sounds of my parents screaming woke me and I happened to peek out my bedroom door at them.

"Just go to hell!" Mother screamed.

"Stop it! Why do you always bring this up?" My father screamed back. She was holding onto his arms and sobbing in his shirt.

"I never wanted to marry you! Why did my parents force me to marry you!? I'm taking our son with me, and we are never coming back!" My mother beat at my fathers chest then pulled away from him. He grabbed her by the hand and she tried to struggle free. "Let me go you bastard!"

My heart was racing, I didn't know what to do and I sat on my knees and cried in my hands. Why didn't mommy love daddy? I got onto my feet and ran towards my bedroom window, opened it up; and jumped out. I fell one story and into a bush that stabbed me a couple of places. I struggled out of the bush until I had successfully gotten out with bleeding cuts and torn PJ's.

I limbed down the road with one light flickering above my head. My eyes were swollen from the tears and my body was covered in cuts and bruises from the fall. My right arm held my left arm tightly as I drug myself farther down the road.

I need to get away, was what I was thinking. I stopped in my tracks, and looked towards the park beside me. All was quiet. but a little girl around my age was swinging back and forth slowly on the swing set. I had never seen anyone so beautiful, so majestic like. Her head was down so it was covering her face, and her tears streamed down her cheeks, and dripped down onto her skirt she was wearing. Her long brown hair hung halfway down her back and curled up at the ends, she was barefoot and her feet were dirty. Her hands griped the swing chains tighter when she looked up at me with her hazel colored eyes.

"Why are you hurt?" She asked. Her face was curious as she held mine and I couldn't look away from her.

"I ran away from home." I said. I sat down on the swing beside her, my PJ's were torn and I looked down at my bleeding feet as well. 

"Me too." She sighed. I looked into her eyes, feeling the need to tell her about everything but I kept quiet.

"Are you going to go back?" I asked.

"No, are you?" Her hands fell to her lap and she looked down at them. More tears formed in her eyes, and my heart felt like it was ripping into pieces just seeing her cry. 

"Why don't we run away together?" I asked, leaning over and taking her hand. She looked up at me, her shinning hazel eyes were filled with delight and excitement; I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Really? You really mean it?" 

"Of course! We can live together and I'll take care of you, I promise." My hand griped her hand tighter, and she giggled. She was really cute, and I wanted to hold onto her hand forever. It was as if fate had brought us together, I needed a friend and she needed one too.

We sat there all night, talking about the stars and I showed her how to draw pictures into them. I loved the way she smiled at me and wanted to get closer to her. She didn't tell me about her family, and I kept quiet about mine. I wouldn't push her to tell me what happened.

"My name is Avery." She said. 

"Luka." I smiled at her. She giggled at me and led me over to the play set where we went down the slide a couple of times together and played house.

"You two kids! What are you doing!? Where are your parents?" A woman hollered at us. We both froze and a flashlight suddenly blinded me. "You two are the missing kids! Policeman, over here!"

I grabbed Avery's hand and we ran quickly down the stairs. My heart pounded, wanting to get away before they caught us. 

"No! I can't go back home!" She sobbed and I led her into the forest. 

"I won't let that happen! We'll get away!" I panted. We sprinted pass the trees and through the thick brush. She tripped over a root then fell onto her hands and knees. 

"I can't go on, Luka. Just go without me!" She said sobbing in her hands.

"No! I won't leave you!" I screamed. I tried to pick her up but she shook her head.

"Just go before you get caught." She whispered, holding onto my shirt tightly then let go. Before I could argue with her and longer, I saw the flash lights and voices growing closer. I keeled down beside her, then stroked her long hair with my fingers.

"I wont leave you." I said. She cried loudly then threw her arms around me. I couldn't help and cry with her, and the Police finally reached us and tore us apart. 

We were caught.

After that night, I never saw Avery again. I looked everywhere for her after I was free once more to play outside of the house. I swore I'd never leave her, and I'd find her someday. 

Even if it takes me all my life to find her, I'll do it.

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