Chapter Seventeen: The After Effects. . .

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  I don't think I was thinking right. 

I was being dragged off to somewhere, but I didn't know where. 

After Luka had appeared in front of me, I blacked out. When I opened my eyes again, I had an arm around me, dragging me across a lawn to a car. 

"Whar ve gowin'?" I slurred. He didn't seem to hear me.

"Back to my house, you're drunk as hell." Someone with a deep voice said.  A guy, right? I think it was Luka.

"Luka?" I asked, looking up at him. He was staring forwarded, I could tell he was having trouble carrying me but I couldn't do anything, I couldn't seem to stand up right.


He pulled me into the car, and I put my head on the window. It was throbbing and I thought I was going to throw up. I watched the car pull away from the noisy house and I closed my eyes to get some rest.

*     *      *     *     *


  I pulled into my drive way. 

My fathers car was there, and I stepped out of my Porsche to see all the lights in the house were on. Great, now I had to sneak her in. 

I walked around the car and opened the door, I caught her head before she fell out.

"Huh?" She gasped awake and I folded her up into my arms and carried her into the house. The front door opened, and I glanced around inside; the two maids were just standing there and I shushed them with my finger. They seemed to have got the hint and bowed their heads. I drug Avery up to my room and she mumbled as I stepped up the stairs. Her sleeping face made me want to kiss her, but I shook the thought away. Needed to get her to my room first.

"Son?" My step father called and I dropped Avery. I flinched when her head and body hit her head on the side of the carpet stairs. Whoops.

"Ah, hi Mr. Toledo." I said and looked down the stairs at my father standing there, staring up at me. 

"Who's that?" He asked, looking to Avery. I reached down to pick her up again, she didn't seem to wake up from the fall, but it sounded like it hurt.

"A friend." I replied.

"Does your mom know?"

"Yes, she does." I prayed silently for him to stop asking things, and he just nodded his head and walked away. I sighed, and made my way up the last couple of stairs.

I lied her down in my bed slowly. She groaned and made a face in her sleep. I covered my mouth to try and not laugh. Josh kissing her came to my mind and I keeled down on the bed, pissed off. Why was I getting angry? She wasn't my girlfriend, she was just another one of those regular girls that no one knew. I couldn't help it. I leaned over her and leaned closer to her face. I could feel her hot breath on my lips and I stared at her sleeping eyes. She was helpless, maybe I can make a move. . .My lips brushed hers, but then her eyes flew open and she was staring straight at me.


*     *      *     *     *


  "What are you doing?" I asked drowsily. I was face to face with him, and felt his lips against mine.

"Nothing." He said, not moving from where he was positioned. I didn't move either, but didn't know what was going on, where was I? My head still hurt and I sat up and pushed him away. He sat on the side of the bed and I held my head and looked around. 

"Why am I in your house?" I chocked and held my mouth. I felt like I was about to puke, and Luka seemed to have gotten the idea and moved away.

"Shit, wait! Don't throw up on my bed!" He hollered. I swallowed it down, regretting it. It only made me feel more sick and I fell back onto the bed.

"What happened?" I asked and looked at him, standing in the corner of the room, staring at me.

"You're still drunk, just go back to sleep." He said. 

"No, you asshole! Not with that stunt you just pulled a second ago-" I felt sick again and curled up on the bed. 

"You don't look good."

"No shit." I gagged and held my stomach. 

"What did he put in your drink?" Luka asked. He seemed to be coming closer to me again.

"I'm not sure." I tried to remember, but couldn't. That's right, I was dancing with that person, Josh! He force kissed me, I wallowed in my own misery. My first kiss! Damn it! Wasted on some looser and while I was drunk so I can't even barely remember it. The bed creaked when Luka sat back down on the bed.

"Seriously, just sleep." He argued and I shook my head.

"No, you jerk! This is all your fault! I want to go back home, now!" I cried. I looked away from him. That party was the worst mistake, I wanted to go back in time and stop from going. I felt like shit and didn't like it. I stopped sobbing when Luka leaned over and hugged my back. My face turned bright red and I placed my hands on his side. "W-what are you-?" 

"Just lay still for a sec'." He whispered. I stared at the wall of his room. His arms were wrapped around me and I looked down at his muscular arms wrapped around my chest. We lied there for a couple of minutes, listening to each others breathing. He was such an ass, I wanted to get up and beat the hell out of him. What was wrong with this playboy guy that I was so forgivable with.

I leaned up and pushed his arms away from me and stared into his eyes. They looked regretful, angry, and I reached my hand to caress his face in my hands. He leaned over on the bed, and I leaned closer to him. What the hell was I doing? I think I was still a little drunk, but he looked up at me innocently and his kiss was deep, warm. His lips were soft and moist. I didn't know how to kiss, but he led me along with it. His tongue slid into my mouth slowly, it shockedd me and I pulled back a little, but he followed. It felt weird, with his tongue in my mouth and I was too frightened to do anything. 

"Move your tongue with mine." He mumbled through our locked lips. I shuttered and entered his mouth with mine. Our breath got hotter and faster and his hands pulled me closer to his body when he sat up on the bed with me. My legs were wrapped around his waist and he pulled away to take a breather. His lips found my collar bone and he started to kiss my neck with sweet kisses. I closed my eyes and thought about this for a second. 

What were we about to do?

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