Chapter Eighteen: Too Fast

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  Wait, what the hell was I thinking?

There I was, making out with Luka and things were getting hot. I didn't mind, but then again I wasn't feeling too good and I wanted to lay down and rest. I pulled away from Luka's kissing, but he kept clinging to me. No! I didn't want anything like this to happen tonight! I gave him a forceful shove and he seemed to have gotten the gig. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, stopping and staring at me with an annoyed look. 

"Just, stop." I begged quietly and he grabbed my arms.

"Why?" He said angrily. 

"I'm not feeling good." I moaned and he pulled away from me, leaving me sitting on the bed by myself now.

"I said go to sleep, didn't I?" He murmured, not looking my way. I watched him in silence as he threw a pillow down on the floor and lied his head down on it. He was curled away from me, with the blanket over his head and silence lingered onward in the room. 

We were just kissing each other, and he went and threw a tantrum?

I grabbed the pillow and left a fist mark in the middle after angrily punching it. I did the same as well, facing away from Luka. I was so pissed right now. This was all his fault, he was so stupid. I was too angry to fall asleep, but my tired body got the better of me and I slowly drifted off.

*      *       *      *     *


  I couldn't believe it. 

That ticked me off, she pushed me away after I got in the mood. Did she not feel the mood?

She was half drunk still, I wasn't really blaming her. I closed my eyes as soon as I heard Avery's sleeping breaths.

*     *     *     *    *

  I opened my eyes to the morning light.

Wait, no. It was the middle of the afternoon.

I looked at the clock that read twevel P.M. I looked over to where Avery used to be, but the bed had a few wrinkles in the sheets and the pillow had her mark left on it. She left. I looked down at my shaking hands, I was such a screw up.

*     *     *     *     *


  I was on my way home now, and sitting in the car with Kay not really saying anything.

I had called her early this morning and gave her the directions to his house. Of course, with the security I had to sneak out the front gates that were thankfully open after Luka's father had left for work. I had asked the servants not to tell anyone I was here or gone, but got a shocking reply from one maid.

"Oh, m'am. His father had already known." The maid smiled. I didn't really do anything, but walk away without another word from pure shock. He knew? What kind of step father was he?

"Mind explaining now?" Kay asked. I sighed and looked out the window.

"I don't really want to." I moaned.

"You aren't a virgen anymore, aren't ya?" She said and I jumped up from the front seat.

"What!? Of course I still am!" I exclaimed and she shrugged.

"You spent the night at the guy's house, how could you not have done it?" 

"Most of the night, I was forced to be at a party." I looked down at my folded hands. My face turned red when I remembered the way Luka kissed me.

"God, I can't believe you got drunk! That's so funny!" Kay laughed and I crossed my arms. This was so messed up right now. I was just glad I got out of Luka's house before he woke up. Why was I running away? I kept asking myself that, but I was too mad at him right now. I could see what kind of guy he is, he's just like all the others. He didn't really love me, I was just his play toy. I didn't want to believe he has slept with other girls, but what do you expect from a whorny boy that has a lot of money?

I can't love him. I can't fall in love with him.

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