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Samuel sat in the back of the pickup truck, his legs hanging out over the edge. He was facing a large screen that was playing an old black and white movie. He noticed many cars pulling in close around the truck until it dawned on him that they had become parked in. Glancing around in the darkness he saw a red neon lit sign that read "drive in." Looking behind him Sam realized that inside of the truck, his friends Noah and Bridget were already making out. He looked forward again quickly. Maybe this double date thing wasn't such a great idea.

"Sam?" a soft voice whispered caringly. Samuel looked down at the girl whose head had been resting gently on his shoulder. She had short, wavy, blonde hair with the tips dyed pink. She wore white ear-muffs and had on a pale blue knitted sweater that, in contrast, made her deep blue eyes stand out. Her usually soft, pale lips were now blue with cold. Samuel could feel her shivering as they snuggled close in the back of the pickup.

The girl spoke again. "What's wrong?" She rubbed her pale hands together. The thick, cream-colored blanket they shared couldnt protect them as an especially chilly wind blew past.

Sam's eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Mallory, you're freezing!" He hurriedly he took off his brown hat, wrapped up her hands with it while rubbing her hands to help her keep warm, kicking himself all the while for letting her come: it was definately a bad idea. But it was her fault after all, Mallory was a sucker for old romance movies. One look at her puppy dog face and he knew he wouldn't be able to say no. 

When he could tell she was still cold even when she tried to hide it, Sam then tried to wrap Mal up with his scarf and the blanket as best he could. Sam stared up at the lone streetlight above them wishing it could somehow warm them like the sun. Instead, he began to catch glimpses of tiny snowflakes falling amidst the stars against the lamplight. Sam felt Mallory's head resting against his shoulder once again as she continued shivering. Sam took off his jacket and wrapped half of it around Mal, leaving half of it on. Mal curled up under the coat and Sam let out a sigh of relief as Mallory stopped shivering. Smiling, Samuel stroked his girlfriend's hair as the movie continued. This reminded him of a time not too long ago when they first met. At that time, they weren't even sure if their love would survive.

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