Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So... I haven't written in a while! This is my first chapter to my new book, Bleak... previously called The Search. Hope you enjoy, and tell me what you think by voting, commenting, and fanning! I'm really trying to update more so yeah.... sometimes i will update  every other day, but when im busy it might be more like a week... -_- we will see how it goes. Enjoy! -Claire


Mallory adjusted her bracelet nervously. The cool night air licked her skin tastelessly as goosebumps shivered up her arms and legs. Click, clack, click, clack, her high heels tapped lightly against the cement parking lot on her way to the school. A short distance ahead was her friend Jenna, who had short ginger colored hair in a pixie cut. She wore a shimmery black dress with a large cutout in the back. Her silver dangly earrings flailed wildly as she tromped through a patch of grass to go talk to her bestie, Bridget. She had long black hair and also wore a little black dress with platform heels. The windy night air blew harder against Mallory but the other girls barely seemed to notice. Shivering, she pushed on.

The closer they got to the school, the more they could hear the sound of base and dubstep muffled from inside of the gymnasium. A long line snaked out of the front foyer of the school as people waited to purchase tickets. Jenna and Bridget had already bought tickets so they skipped the line and continued on inside, but Mal still had to buy hers so she stood outside in the cold.

"Mal!" someone said from behind her. "where's your date?"

Mallory turned to see her childhood friend, Noah walking up to get in line behind her. "Hey, Noah!" she said quietly, her nerves already starting to kick in at the thought of her date who she would be meeting in just a few minutes. She wished Jenna had waited with her, until she found him, but ever since Jenna had met Bridget, those two girls could never be seperated, and Mallory slowly drifted away from both of them. At least Jenna was nice enough to drive me here, Mallory thought optimistically. It didn't matter anyways, Noah was here now. "I think he's already here, I just have to buy my ticket," She added.

Why is he looking at me like that? she thought. He was just staring into her eyes unblinking, his lips parted stightly and breathing softly. Shifting Uncomfortably, Mallory interjected, "What?" Interrupting Noah's thoughts, He ran his hands through his dirty blonde hair and adjusted his suit jacket.

"Huh?" Noah questioned quickly, almost as an afterthought. "Oh, just... you look... amazing."

Mallory could feel her cheeks turning pink as she smiled. The chilly wind seemed to stop as her heart started beating faster for some reason. Mallory couldn't quite place the feeling. Its not that she had a crush on Noah or something--ew!--but he wasn't bad looking. Ignoring the momentary sensation she decided it was caused by nervousness about Micheal, who just happened to walk in her line of vision at the moment, to go talk to Jenna and Bridget who were standing just past the foyer.

For a while Noah and Mal stood in line silently together, and they watched as Micheal, Jenna, and Bidget eventually left to go back to the dance floor. Then, looking down, Mal whispered, "Noah? I'm really nervous. I really never thought he would ask me out, he's just so..." she paused, "I never thought I would be good enough for him. I really hope I don't look like an idiot."

Noah's frowned in concern, worry lines appearing on his forehead. "Mal, don't you even think about that. He is so lucky to be your boyfriend. If anything, he's not good enough for you." Smiling, he added, "Just be yourself."

Mallory smiled. "Thanks, Noah... you're the sweetest." She hugged him tightly around the neck; he hugged her back around the waist gently. Resting her head on his chest, mallory could barely make out the sound of his heart beating quickly. She smiled again at the sound. Noah's warmth radiated through his skin and it comforted her.

"Can I help you?" asked a voice from inside the school. Mallory turned around, realizing they were next in line. She purchased her ticked, went inside, and saw Micheal. Mallory could feel her blood rushing to her head as her heart pounded. Micheal's brown hair was gelled perfectly and it shined under the lights. He was facing away from Mallory, so she walked over to him slowly. Looking around for support, Noah mumbled a quick, "good luck," and went into the dance.

Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump. She was walking closer. Micheal still didn't see her. He was talking to Bridget still, who was flipping her hair and showing off a dance move.

Mal walked faster. Badump-badump-badump-badump--Micheal slowly put his arm around Bridget and leaned closer to her.

Mallory slowed down, confused. Bump......................Bump.......................

Bridge put her hands on Micheal's neck and ruffled his hair as she saw her glance down at his lips and then slowly back up to his eyes.

Mallory felt dizzy, like she might pass out. Her heart stopped beating. Spots filled her eyes as she took in the rest of the moment.

Micheal kissed Bridget. One, two, three, four, five, Mallory counted slowly, her heart dropping. They're still kissing. Mallory could see Bridgets mouth moving more frantically now, their guilty kiss quickly turning passionate. They almost stumble as they slowly took a few steps and turned down a hallway. They were out of her sight just as a tear slid down Mallory's cheek.

She started running.

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