"Yeah, it's him who needs convincing though." I kick a stick onto Zay's lawn and we stop in front of it. "Anyways, thanks for shedding some light. All that is pretty cool."

"It's nothing. I've never had to explain that stuff to anyone, for us it's common knowledge. It's kind of fun to amaze you with my supernaturalness," she says with a soft smile.

I smile back and look at Zay's house. To my surprise, he is outside standing next to his car. We walk over to him and he nods at Dasia.

"Thank you for walking with her."

She winks at him. "No problem. Catch y'all later!"

When we are alone, he wipes off his palms on his pants and opens the door on his car for me.

"We're going somewhere?" I ask getting into the car.

"Indeed we are," he says on his side of the car.

"To where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise."

"Just tell me, I'll act surprised later."


"Please babe?"

"Nope, if I tell you it won't be a surprise," he says.

We drive for a long time and I repeatedly ask him where we are going and what's going on, but each time he ignores me and I eventually just give up. By the time he finally slows down it has gotten dark. He pulls into a parking lot and it looks like we are in a park that trails off into a bunch of trees.

"If it was any further I would have fallen asleep," I say jokingly.

He smiles quickly and opens his door. I go to open mine too, but before I can Zay disappears, jumping over the car to get to my side. He opens my door for me, laughing at my startled expression.

I take his hand and climb out of the car. "You will never cease to surprise me."

"I try." He takes out a piece of cloth. "Do you trust me?"

I look questionably at the fabric. "Yes?"

He pecks my lips with a kiss. "Close your eyes."

I do as he says. I feel the cloth being placed on my face and tied behind my head. Still behind me, Zay places his hands on my shoulders and tells me to walk. I do as he says, relying on him to tell me when to step over rocks and sticks and when to make turns.

A few minutes later, he tells me to stop and take off my blindfold. I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't this.

We're surrounded by trees and there is a large grassy opening with a dirt area in the middle, with lanterns strewn all around. Placed among the ground are hundreds of different kinds of flowers around the dirt area. There are blue, red, yellow, purple, any color you could think of. Small and big ones, and ones that come in bunches.

I walk around looking at the flowers and notice there's two blue blankets next to it with pillows on it.

I turn around and look at Zay who's staring at the flowers. "I didn't know what your favorite flower was so I got... a lot," he says quietly.

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