Sam is sat at his desk, his back to me as he moves his head to the sound of the music as he typed along on his computer.

“Sam,” I call his name, and take a step closer.

“Sam,” I say again, and this time reach out to touch his shoulder. He jumps in place and turns to look who it is. He is surprised, but then his brows furrow and a frown takes the place of the shock.

“What are you doing here?” He demands to know.

“Sam please, I need your help.”

Harry’s POV

I took a seat, while glancing over at Dylan, wondering what he already shared with the chief.

“Harry I must say, I’m slightly surprised to see you here, after you said there is nothing new to say about the case,” Emma’s dad smirked at me. He isn’t surprised at all.

“There isn’t, but still you felt the need to bring Dylan in,” I sat back, and made myself comfortable.

“Well yes, you see, something just doesn’t add up for me, and I think Dylan can help me out,” Jon leaned back, watching me carefully.

“Enlighten me then,” I shrugged, and try my best to look bored.

“Well as I said, you had nothing else to add, but Dylan, I’m sure you do.”

“What makes you so sure?” I questioned after peeking at Dylan, who is having a hard time looking the chief in the eye, which is what is giving him away.

“Because, he was there that night,” Jon smiled at me.

“No, he wasn’t I already told you,” I stated, shaking my head slightly.

“Bollocks, if that was true, you wouldn’t be marching in here like you did,” Jon pointed out. I know he is right, but I couldn’t let Dylan take the fall for something I made him do.

“Blimey chief Horan, how many times do I need to tell you that is not true? I told you Dylan, didn’t I? No one here ever believes me,” I shook my head, trying to seem hurt.

“Harry, come off it, you can help yourself and Dylan, if you come clean now and help us out, you might not do the time for sabotaging an investigation,” The chief bargained.

“I already did the time,” I reminded him.

“Well yes, but your friend here hasn’t, did you tell him Harry how it was in juvie? Oh wait, your 18 already are you not? Scratch that then, you will be heading to the real thing pal,” Jon stared Dylan down, and I could see the cracks starting to show.

“You’re shitting us into talking rubbish so everything will fit in nice and tight with your theory,” I was starting to lose it.

“Now, now Harry, you want to watch your tongue boy, I brought you in to talk, I know you’re mum Harry, and I know you Dylan are close friends with my Daughter, so I am doing good by you and just having a chat, but if you rather me call in the counselor instead…” He let his words echo in the room. I was looking at Dylan who is finally looking back, and I could tell he was ready to talk. He has had enough. He kept quiet for so many years, I couldn’t make him keep this any longer. It isn’t fair.

I gave a slight nod of my head, and relief washed over him, making me sure that I did the right thing.

“Alright, you’re right, I was there the night Hope was killed.”

Emma’s POV

“I told you already! I am not speaking!” Sam growls at me.

“But Sam please just listen! Dylan was taken down to the station, and Harry went down straight after him, knowing he can’t let him be there alone, and I know my father- he will make them talk, they will speak, and at some point they will also talk about you,” I am not sure this is the right way to go about, but I have to try.

“Would you stick by your family no matter what?” He questions.

“No! Blood might be thicker than water, but it is not thicker than right or wrong, and if someone did wrong and I knew about it I would speak up,” I state.

“I will get in trouble too for knowing and keeping quiet!” He is scared, but I don’t care.

“So what? So will I for not coming forward when I learnt the truth, and same with Eleanor and Perrie, and Jennifer- And don’t forget Dylan and Harry are already down at the station as we speak,” I remind him.

“But if Dylan speaks up won’t that be enough? Why would you need me too?” he inquires.

“We might not need you, but how would you feel knowing you could have done the right thing and didn’t? How would you be able to live with yourself?” I question him.

“I think it is time for you to leave,” Sam gets up.

“I think you should come with me,” I say.

“Emma, please.. Don’t make me kick you out, just go,” Sam turns from me to face the window.

“Fine.. I’ll leave,” I whisper. I walk over to the door that would lead me back to the hallway but stop right before opening it and turn to face Sam one last time.

“I thought you were different.. That you were stronger than the others and had the strength to stand up to wrongs and set them right, I guess I was wrong,” And with that I leave.

“Leaving so soon?” The butler asks me when I appear at the bottom of the stairs.

“Er yeah, my dad called me, asking me to come back home,” I mumble.

“And what about your project?” He questions, his nose up in the air.

“Sam is finishing it up for us, he is a brilliant boy after all,” I gush and walk myself out.

I am not sure what to do. I am not sure that Dylan and Harry telling dad the truth is really enough to put Tyler away, especially now after I saw for myself what kind of family Sam comes from. I mean if that was the butler then what are the parents like?

I have one more thing to try, so I rush home and hope it will help.

I watch Emma run the stairs up to the station’s front door. The girl at front desk is ready to stop her, but Emma blows right through her to her dad’s office. She gets there right as two officers were walking Harry and Dylan out, making her freeze in place.

I can tell the shock on her face, thinking she is too late.

Harry watches her as he is led out while Dylan’s eyes are on his shoes. Harry’s eyes are a piercing shade of green, the way they get when he is determent to get what he wants, but Emma doesn’t know that yet. With eyes full of tears she flings her arms around his neck, ignoring the officers holding to Harry, missing her dad tell them to give her a moment.

When she lets go, Harry and Dylan are taken away, and Emma is left with her dad. So she plays the last card she has and hopes for the best. She hands him over my diary.

A/n- So I really don't know if people are reading this story or not, but it is getting to then end and iit would really mean the world to me if you guys can take a moment to rate and leave a comment, telling me your thoughts about this story? please?

Thank you again for reading, it does mean loads x

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