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The pitter-patter of grey raindrops pounded against the window pane endlessly. The obscure slurs of the wind howled from outside, shuffling the drooping tree leaves around, and their branches collided harshly against each other in a fury. Dry lightning cracked across the skies, providing a short stream of light, then disappearing within a blink of an eye. A roar of thunder soon sounded out, and he could feel its shudders through the soles of his shoes. These sounds created a symphony of various beats and shrills that rang in his ears.

Another burst of a thunder's rumble shot across the sky, causing Harry to cringe. A breath of warm air escaped his lungs, and Harry was quick to refill them to silence his secretive weeps.

He couldn't tell what Louis was feeling.   

Was he full of wrath?

Was his mind boggled with thoughts?             

Harry couldn't come to a decision.

Settled in a dark corner and curled up in a ball with his skinny arms wrapped tightly around his knobby knees, Harry rocked back and forth to the rhythm of the downpour. Storm clouds gathered in his eyes, his emerald irises shimmering because of salty tears. They threatened to stream down his flushed cheeks. Harry clutched his legs against his chest, trying to comfort and sooth his trembling body. His right hand was placed over his mouth to cease the cries that dared to be heard. The never ending tears were drifting down his face, and he constantly keep sniffling his nose.

 Louis held his right wrist deftly, keeping a strong grasp of it in case Harry decided to snake it away from him. He kept his head down, staring intensely at the fresh scar upon Harry's skin.

Straining his neck, all Harry's view could see were his damp eyelashes underneath his feathery fringe.

"Why Harry?" Louis nimbly spoke, rubbing his thumb delicately over the wound, "Why?"

Harry released a hushed sob. He crushed his knees tighter into his chest, the bones anguished against the pressure.

"Harry, I'm not angry with you." Louis whispered, "Just tell me why."

The waterworks continued as Harry let out yet another whimper.

"I-I" Harry tried to answer with his coarse voice, but no words flowed from his crazed brain to his parched mouth. Honestly, Harry didn't know why. At the time, the sharp blade dragged across his fine, pale skin relieved pounds of stress and feelings. A deep violet piece of engraved evidence only caused it to be piled back on later. He regretted doing it, feeling the aching rush of crimson colored blood dribble from his veins. 

Harry realized Louis had gotten up with he heard the shuffling of socks against the hardwood floor blending in with the thunderstorm's harmony.

"Lou?" the words left his lips before he had a chance to even think about them. His face held a puzzled expression when he came back with an indigo ink pen.

Louis sat down, crisscross legged across from. Taking his wrist once again, Louis drew a sideways heart on the skin, so that the jagged scar had created a perfect line of symmetry for the heart. He pressed his rough lips to the tender skin, his ocean blue orbs fluttering shut. Harry breathed in and out deeply, his lower lip quivering at the sweet, loving touch. After a moment, Louis grabbed his partner's hand, intertwining their slender fingers.

 "Whatever this is Harry, we're going to get through it. Together. I promise." Louis said to him, immersed into those dazzling eyes of Harry's.  He pulled Harry into a hug, roaming his hand through his luscious curls, whispering comforting words into his ear. Harry buried his nose into Louis's neck, inhaling the sweet vanilla scent he always adored. Tears still streamed down the younger boy's cheeks, but he smiled sheepishly, knowing Louis would keep true to his promise. 

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