part 12

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    I wake up at 8am. I was asleep on Louis chest.

‘Louis’ I whispered quietly

‘Yes princess?’ he replied

‘Nothing, I just wondered if you were awake that’s all’

Suddenly Daisy and Feebs ran into the room and jumped on us!

‘Hey’ Daisy squealed

‘We heard your moving to live with Louis!’ Feebs replied.

‘Yes’ I told them both

They both hugged me and screamed. I think they liked having me around. I liked being around them too! They were like the family I never had. When Daisy and Feebs left the room I got up and got changed. Me, Lottie and Fizzy then got dressed and headed to the car.

   I got into Louis car and headed to my flat. Louis let me drive his car, after all I had past my test and I was now his girlfriend. That felt weird knowing that I can say he’s my girlfriend and loads of girls were jealous of me and wish they were in my place. I pulled up outside and saw Sophia and Perrie standing outside. We ran into the flat and started packing straight away. Lottie and Fizzy done my bedroom and the bath room while me, Sophia and Perrie packed up the kitchen and living room. We were finished by 12pm and headed home. The place looked and felt strange, it was bare, no picture, no life just white. White walls, white carpet and white ceilings.

  I got back home and Louis was dressed and was playing with Ernie and Doris. As soon as he saw me he ran over and gave me a kiss, he grabbed the car keys and headed for the car.

‘Where you going?’ I called after him

‘To see your parents’ he shouted back ‘You coming?’ he continued

I ran over to the car and jumped in. I showed him the way to the graveyard, it wasn’t far from the house so the journey only took 5 minutes and we were there pretty quick. We walked through the gate and headed to where my mum and dad’s grave were situated. As soon as I saw the grave I burst into floods of tears. The headstones were smashed up and the flowers had the petals ripped off and they were scattered everywhere.

‘NO!’ I screamed as I flung myself on to my knees and cried into my hands.

Louis knelt beside me and hugged me ‘shhhh’ he whispered.

I stood up feeling dizzy and that’s when I saw it. There in graffiti it said LOVE YOUR BFF.

‘It was her!’ I screamed as I flung myself back on to the floor once again. I thought it was the end of her, I thought she couldn’t get to me but yet she had. She had destroyed everything I loved, the only thing I had left of my mother and father. 

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