part 6

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    As we pulled up outside a fancy diner my nerves were building up. We entered the diner and Louis had already reserved a table for 2. We sat down and started talking straight away. I forgot about my nerves and concentrated on having a good time. A waiter than approached us and took our orders. I ordered steak and chips and Louis ordered exactly the same. We were so alike in many different way, I just enjoyed being in his company. Then, we were approached again by 2 girls who were crying and talking excitedly.

‘Do you mind if we have a picture?’ one asked.

‘Sure’ Louis replied anything for my fans. This is what I loved about him; he was always very kind and respectful. The girls quickly got a picture and then left the diner, they were still crying.

   We were finally left alone to talk and we got on really well. We talked about everything our families, our pasts, our dreams, our hobbies, the subjects were endless. The night flew by because I was having such a great time. I forgot he was in a band because to me he was such a normal person. He told me he was so happy with me and he really liked me. I was so happy I would have done anything to stay in that moment forever.

  As time passed by we realised it was already 11pm. We had finished our food and all our drinks so we decided to head home. As we arrived back at my flat Louis came to the door with me. I thanked him for making this night so special and that it was the best night of my life. He is coming around tomorrow for coffee so we can continue getting to know each other. As we said goodbye in the doorway he leaned in and kissed me. I felt a connection and wish I could freeze that moment for ever. Eventually he pulled away and headed for the taxi.

‘Goodbye beautiful’ he said

‘Goodbye handsome, see you tomorrow’ I replied

‘I am already counting down the minutes’ he said with a cheeky grin on his face and that was when I knew I really loved him and I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with him

   I rushed up stairs, ripped my dress off and got in my pj’s and I already had a text off Louis. It said: missing you already can’t wait for tomorrow, I’m coming at 10, sleep well xxx. He made me feels so special, I really really loved him. I’m so glad fate made us meet. I don’t care if I had only known him for a couple of weeks, he made me feel amazing and I knew there was a connection. I really couldn’t care less about other people and what they thought. Louis opinion is the only opinion I cared about.

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