part 2

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       OK, so you’re probably wondering who I am, what my name is, where I come from ect ect. Well here goes, my name is Lucy Jones and I am 24 years old and I live in LA. I am currently studying to be a journalist at university. I live by myself in a flat and I have no family that live nearby, so it’s just me and my best friend Kate! She absolutely loves One Direction and adores Harry so much he’s literately all she talks about. If she finds out I didn’t stop to get a picture with them or something she will freak out and I will probably end up dead. The thing is I don’t see the point of getting attached because in the end everybody and everything leaves me or comes to an end. People say I don’t have a heart but the truth is I’m so tired of being hurt. I’m so tired of having a tear stained face, a dry throat, a raspy voice and no energy, because in the end everything breaks me.

   As the sun rises I hear my phone vibrating, I go to answer I but I miss it by a second. 5 missed calls and 10 texts! It’s Mia my best friend, she tells me to ring her back straight away. So, I sit up in bed and dial her number ‘hello’ I say sounding tired

‘Hi I am picking you up at 11pm tonight and we are going to the cinema’ Mia says sounding excited

‘But..... I have an exam today and I really just want to come home and have a bath!’ I moan

‘No you are coming with me, we are watching the fault in our starts, and I thought I’d get the late booking because it would be quieter’ Mia continues

‘Aright ok see you then’ I moan as I end call.

I guess It would be quite fun as I haven’t been the cinema in ages but I was also quite worried. I had my final exam today and I had to pass otherwise my whole career path could be ruined! I was also worried because I couldn’t get Louis off my mind he’s all I had been thinking about over the last few days. I know he had probably moved on by now to a new town, new city and new fans. Even if he did smile at me that day doesn’t mean our paths will ever meet again.

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