Aaron's In Trouble

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You open your eyes and see that the time is 4 am. "Ugh. What has gotten me so anxious?" you thought. Knowing that the answer was boarding a plane within the hour, you smile thinking of all the things you are going to get to do with Colby while he's in. You had been planning and discussing for weeks what the two week stay would hold.

You unplug your phone and shoot him a text.

You: Can't wait to hold you. 😙
You almost immediately get a text back.
Colby: I'm getting ready to board, but I'm ready to kiss your whole face, pause to eat and sleep, then start that cycle again. I love you! ❤️

You smile. Well, you were going to have to get up in about an hour to get ready anyway. You weren't going to be able to go to sleep now.

You got up and hopped in the shower. You threw on some light make up and your outfit you had been saving for the day.

You then decided to put together a crockpot meal for lunch this afternoon

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You then decided to put together a crockpot meal for lunch this afternoon. You threw pork ribs, barbecue, and 2 cans of Dr. Pepper in the crockpot. You set it to low and made breakfast. By this time it was 5:30. You wanted to be at the airport by 9 and it was an hour trip to the Charleston airport.
You had gotten up and ready way too early.

You decided to watch a movie to pass the time. You chose a Disney film, one of your favorites, "Wreck-It Ralph." You watched the movie, but it didn't grasp your attention like you needed it to. You were constantly checking the time.

You then decided to go early to the airport, maybe driving would miraculously make the time melt away. You got in your car at 7:15.

Forgetting that it was Monday morning around school bus time, you actually were glad that you left early. You jammed out to your Pentatonix playlist.

Lila ended up calling you as you pulled into the airport parking spaces. You answered and sat in your car talking about the kids and plans. You wrapped up the conversation when you realized it was 9:15. Colby's plane should be touching down any second.

You looked in the mirror and primped yourself and exited the car grabbing your keys and purse.

You walked in and waited by the gate that Colby should be getting out at.

You waited for what seemed like forever and finally people started getting off. You spot your boy and immediately start smiling. He finally catches your eye and starts smiling.

He maneuvers around several slower passengers, excusing himself, and makes his way to you. He drops his backpack and embraces you. You press yourself into his arms and nuzzle your neck against his. Oh, how you've missed him.

Colby: "I missed you."
You: "I missed you too."

You just stood there for a few minutes taking in each-other's touch. Finally he pulled away and looked into you eyes as you looked into his. He tilted your chin up with his thumb and index finger making you inch your face closer to him. He kisses you slowly and passionately, like he couldn't get enough of you. You didn't want to pull away, but people were crowding around you trying to find their loved ones. You decided to break the kiss, hoping to continue it somewhere less crowded.

Colby: "Let's get my bag and get out of here."
You grab his hand that he offered you and walk toward the baggage claim.

You retrieved Colby's suitcase and headed toward the car. As you walked you noticed the fatigue on Colby's face. Normally he would want to drive, but today you were going to insist he take a nap as you drove.

Colby: "Keys?" He says reaching his hand out.
You just gave him a high five and giggled.
You: "Not today. You look like you need a nap."
He puts his hand down and yawns, as if on cue.
Colby: " I was gonna argue, but obviously you are right."
You kiss him quickly on the lips and pop the trunk.
He puts his stuff inside and climbs in the passenger seat.

You drive in silence every now and then looking over at your precious man, sleeping.

Time Skip

You pull into your house. You thought about waking Colby, but decided against it. You grabbed a book from the center console and started reading instead.

About an hour later Colby stirred. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. Then it was like reality hit him, he jolted forward.

You giggled and he turned smiled relieved.

You: "What's wrong?"
Colby: "Oh nothing, just forgot where I was for a minute." He stretches. "How long have we been sitting here?"
You: "About an hour."
Colby: "An hour? You could've woken me up."
You reach over and cup his face with your hand and rub your thumb across his cheek. He leaned into your hand and hummed.
You: "You looked too tired and I was in no hurry to wake you."
It was silent for a moment. Then you heard a deep growl.
Your eyes got big.
You: "Was that your stomach?"
Colby: "Yep. It demands to be heard."
You laugh.
You: "Then let's go eat lunch."
Colby suddenly has a bunch of energy.
Colby: "Lunch? I love lunch!"
You open your door.
You: "Correction; you love food."

He smiles.

Time Skip

You and Colby sat down to your barbecue ribs and discussed what all was new with the house.
Colby: "Oh, and Aaron has a new girl."
You almost choked.
You: "Aaron has a girl?"
Colby laughs.
Colby: "Yeah. Why is that so shocking?"
You: "I'm just offended I haven't heard about his until now."
You whip out your phone and shoot him a text.

You: So.... do you have something to tell me?

You put your phone back down.
Colby: "He's in for it isn't he?"
You look up at him and giggle. "You know it.

Colby Brock X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now