Last Day

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Ding. Buzz. You opened your eyes to your phone. You reached for the phone but your hand found a piece of paper?
You rubbed your eyes and picked up the paper.

 You reached for the phone but your hand found a piece of paper? You rubbed your eyes and picked up the paper

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You smiled at the note. You then picked up your phone. Colby Snapped you.

You Snapped him back with the same filter with "You're a Cutie" on the Snap

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You Snapped him back with the same filter with "You're a Cutie" on the Snap. You hop out of bed and go to the restroom. You text Colby you'll be down in a minute.

You change into this:

You walk down the stairs to see Sam making breakfast

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You walk down the stairs to see Sam making breakfast.
Sam: "Hey Y/N."
You: "Hey Sam. Where's Colbs?"
Sam: "Shower. You want some scrambled eggs?"
You: "Yes please."
Sam continues cooking.
Sam: "So how's the dating life?"
You smile. "It's great. I'm not looking forward to the long distance part though."
Sam: "Yeah, I can understand that."
You: "Has Colby seemed ok? I mean, I'm not exactly a pro at relationships, I just want to make sure he is really happy."
Sam stops and turns to you. "Are you kidding?.... Colby hasn't been this happy since, well, ever. He's smiled more this week than he has in a long time. Don't doubt that you make him happy."
You smiled. "Good. That's a relief."
Sam: "Have you checked the comments of the videos this morning?"
You grab your phone, "No. I forgot."
You go to the school video first and read through the comments, then you went to Colby's video. 90% of the comments were positive and the negative ones were being bombarded with arguments from other fans.

Sam sets a plate down in front of you as your phone starts to signal a Facetime call. It's Aaron:

You take a bite of eggs

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You take a bite of eggs. "Hey Aaron!"
Aaron: "Good morning, Y/N. I watched Colby's video and wanted to say congratulations! The fans seem to be taking it well."
You: "I was just looking at the comments as well. Looks positive for the most part. Thanks.....Are you driving?"
Aaron: "Yeah I had an early collaboration shoot with Jake and now I'm headed home."
You: "Cool."
Aaron: "So now that your boyfriend is in LA, you moving back?"
You: "Honestly, I haven't thought about it. I'm still in school here and love my life here, so probably not right away."
Aaron: "Well, that's understandable, but disappointing. I'm ready to have you back home in California."
You and Aaron talk for a while with Sam. Then Colby walks in and greets Aaron and Sam. He comes over and kisses you on the temple.
Colby: "Morning Babe."
You: "Morning."
Aaron: "I'll let you all get on with your day. Y/N, I expect to see you in the near future in California?"
You nod your head.

You hang up and take your plate to the sink.
Colby: "Aaron missing you?"
You: "Yeah. I miss him too. He asked if I was going to be moving to LA. I told him not right now."
Colby: "I thought you would say that if I asked. But I was going to ask the same thing. Would you ever consider moving out there though?"
You: "Of course. It would be pretty hard though, I mean this house holds a lot of memories of my parents." You start to tear up. "Leaving here would be like leaving them again, and that seems a little traumatic after leaving the first time and coming back to a dying Dad." A tear escapes your eyes.
Colby wraps his arm around you as you softly cry into his shoulder.
You: "I'm sorry. Just thinking that they never really got to meet you, and the thought of leaving them again is hard."
Colby: "No. Don't apologize. It's insensitive of me to think that it would be easy for you to pick up everything and move. Don't worry about it, we'll continue to think about it together."
You: "Colby?" You say looking at him.
Colby: "Yeah Y/N?"
You: "My dad would have loved you. Mom got to meet you during Dad's funeral, but she never really got to know you. She would have loved you too."
Colby: "Well, from what I've heard I think we would have gotten along just fine. I love their daughter, I'm sure I would have grown to love them too."
You dry your tears.

You: "Ok. Enough crying. Let's go make the most of your last day..... By the way." You kiss him softly. "Thanks for the note this morning. I loved it."
Colby kisses you back. "And I love you."

You, Colby, and Sam hang out all day. In the evening you remembered that the carnival was in town, because of the fourth of July. So you decided to spend the last night there.

Colby loved the carnival, and so did Sam. Sam and Colby rode every ride multiple times and you joined in on some of them, as you would get motion sickness. Colby went to one of the food stands and ordered a cotton candy, which ended up being humongous.

 Colby went to one of the food stands and ordered a cotton candy, which ended up being humongous

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You ended up helping him eat it. Several fans came up to you and the boys and asked for pictures and autographs. They also asked several questions. One fan asked, "Which XPLR video was your favorite?" Another asked about Kat and her music. One asked about Aaron's relationship status. Then one asked you, "How did you win over Colby?"
You didn't know how to answer. "Maybe he should answer that?" You look at him. He looks at you and says, "What didn't win me over? I've loved her inside and out for a long time. Everything with her feels right and comfortable. Like it's supposed to be that way."
The fans oooed and awwwwed over you two and then dispersed.

By midnight the carnival was shutting down and you had been there for four hours. Everyone was exhausted.

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