The Heartbreak

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After the successful proposal, the girls decided to head home since a new week was about to start, except for Hyuna and Nayeon. Hyuna and EDawn decided to spend a night at the family resort to plan a few arrangements for their wedding while Nayeon had to stay and settle something regarding their family resort.

On their way home, Joy was dropped off to her home, Dahyun following suite. The youngest Kim wanted to have a sleepover but she had school the following day and had promised her dad that she would come home for their weekly movie marathon.

Joy had to come home and pack her things up as she had an early flight to catch up tomorrow for a very important business meeting so she couldn't sleepover as well at the Kim's.

Tzuyu was the only one left to stay at the Kim's since she was practically living there for a while during her entire stay in Seoul.

It was already nighttime when the family van reached the Kim's household. As soon as the car parked up front the entrance of the mansion, Lisa was the first to head out and run inside, making the other Kim's dumbfounded and turn to Tzuyu who just weakly smiled in response.

"Tzuyu - would you care to explain what happened to Lisa, my dear?" Jisoo asked the younger in a calm voice, yet her stare held so much fire within them.

"She said she needed to do a quick change." Tzuyu replied as she bit her lip when Rosé started poking her left cheek.

"And why would she need to do that?" Jennie ask the younger as she started poking her right cheek, making Tzuyu groan as she was being teased on by her unnies.

"Because she's going to meet up with Jungkook." Tzuyu said as she closed her eyes when both Rosé and Jennie pinched her cheeks hard simultaneously.

"Ah - that explains why." The three Kim's said in chorus.

Before they could start walking towards the mansion, Lisa was already rushing outside, towards the garage probably to get her motorbike.

A few seconds later, Lisa comes out of the garage on her motorbike and parks for a moment in front of her sisters and best friend.

"I'm off to meet Jungkook at the park, he says it's urgent. I won't be gone for long, I'll be back soon. I promise." Lisa promises before speeding off, not even minding to lock the helmet she's wearing.

"Is it me or is she whipped for that Jungkook guy already?"

"My baby sis is all grown up."

"Grown up my ass - she's still my baby."

"I totally ship them together."


The ride did not last long, as Lisa reached the park within a span of four minutes. It was a good thing it was already late at night, and no police officers were on patrol or she would have received a ticket for going over the speed limit.

Lisa parks her motorbike near the entrance, turning it off and placing the keys securely in her side pocket before removing her helmet and started running towards the bridge where Jungkook said he was waiting at.

Lisa didn't know she could run that fast - all she wanted to achieve that night was to reach Jungkook and help him with whatever he was dealing with.

They were already halfway home, when she received Jungkook's text about their urgent meet up. Ever since she had read his text, she couldn't keep calm but rather feel worried over the young man. Something about the way he texted, seemed like the urgency to meet up that night was brought about by something than just wanting to see each other - something that made Lisa scared. She had a feeling something was bound to happen that night. She just hoped it wasn't something bad.

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