#Got Tagged 3

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Yo, what's up.

I'm sorry this isn't a chapter but I've been nonstop since Idk, a while now. Events coming up here and there, projects, and our exams our coming this week. So yeah...

If there are any chances, I might be able to upload the next chapter SOONEST. Which means by around March 1.

So yeahhhhhhhh. You still gotta wait for another week to get another chapter. 😅

Anyways, before I go rambling again, let's just get straight into this.

I was tagged by lindsaygail4 so yeah. Thanks 😁

10 Dumb Things about You

To be honest, I don't think people aren't dumb, at least what I believe personally. Even I don't know what to put so Imma gonna do "10 things about Me" instead. Hope you're all okay with that.

Oh boy, here we go...

1. I'm a very. VERY clumsy person in real life. Imagine you were walking with me then I accidentally slipped or tripped for who knows why. Yeet... 😅

2. I may be the weirdest person you could have ever met in your life. Trust me.

3.  I don't eat a lot of foods. Namely eggs, some fruits (I only eat Apple and Banana) and some vegetables.

4. I am very sensitive to coldness. I prefer wearing jackets even in sunny or hot weather.

5. Jade is a part of my name.

6. I don't have a crush. Not a celebrity nor someone else. I mostly focused on my studies first before going on with stuffs like that. (Although I do have a crush before, but I was still young and unaware about things like that. We both like each other that time up that time until I mostly focused on my studying. We were both schoolmates up to this day and haven't talked about it. If you are to ask on how my feelings towards him, well... I don't really now right now. As I said, I mostly focused on graduating before going to stuff like that so yeah...)

7. I live in the Philippines. So shout out to those Filipinos out there! 😁 🇵🇭

8. I am at around 10 to 20 years of age (Try to guess it 😉) Yeet, I'm still young. 😂

9. Making my own stories has been may hobbies ever since I was 4 or 5 years old.

10. I first discovered Wattpad a long time ago but haven't checked it out since 2017. Thanks to my friend who happily introduced this amazing app to me.

So yeah, those are 10 Things about Me.
Thanks for tuning in today's update.
I promise, I'll try to update as soon as possible, kay.

Thanks for reading.
See you on the next update.. 👋

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