Marceline entered the building, instantly greeted by the smell of lingering dust and mold. The rotting debris baked in the sunlight only added to the repulsive smell. That was the last of her worries that day so instead, she knelt. Perched right infront of the cracked marble statue displayed ahead of her. The old chapel, far to gone for reconstruction. The chapels interior was a waste of debris, decaying roof and wall, and a vile smell likewise to throw up. It was abandoned her first year at saint Annes, the lack of proper construction and material becoming a saftey hazard to the staff. It only grew more rotten on the farther side of the school, the only thing not completely consumed by termites being the pews. It took a while to strut to the chapel, but once arriving her mind was settled on what she came for in the first place. Marceline kneeled infront of the jesus statute ahead of her, bare knee pressing against the stained red carpet. She bowed her head. "Hello Father.." She whispered. "I have come to seek guidance. As of now im at a point in life where I seek passage. I have burrowed into the creases and crevices of unknown emotion. I ask for a sense of relief and direction. I don't know what im doing with myself anymore, im losing who I am, I am losing me. I just want to feel back in my own skin. I wanna say thanks for sending Bonnie, she's a big help, but I need to do this myself, just me. Please." She ended her words just as soon as she started them. Marceline seemed as if she rebuked the holy religion, but part of it kept her whole. She wasn't like Bonnie, who believed in science over religion, she held some sort of religion to her heart. Wether it was a man, woman, or thing watching her in the clouds, she knew someone was listening. But maybe it was all a lie, maybe she didn't believe in anyone, maybe it was just a coping mechanism for the passing of her mother. Real or not, thinking she was somewhere above soaring the clouds held pleasant over the bad memories. There was no more time to dwell on the past subject anymore. Therapy prep had long been over and she was sure Vivian awaited her presence. Pushing up from the floor and dusting off her knees, Marceline took one last look at the stained white statue and removed herself from the chapel.

"Took you long enough." She heard Vivan over the roar of whispers. Marceline hadn't expected a crowd as big as such. Girls from every grade level circled them both with awe in their stares, most of them being acquaintances with Vivian. Of course Vivian had to babble about this, just another excuse to prove her dominance over the school. She was astonished that teachers hadn't heard the bustling rumble from the corridors of the school. She didn't want this. "Vivian." She approached the girl. Vivian glared through her as she balled her fist eagerly. "We don't have to do this, you know your better than this, WE'RE better than this." Marceline was all about fighting Vivian but her trip to the chapel made her realize something. This whole situation was just silly. A few years later she would look back on this and laugh. There was no reason to engage Vivian (well there was but she was taught better), they could both just be civil and settle their differences. Vivian wasn't having it. "It seems to me you're trying to back out Marceline. You pussy." She spat in a tone full of hate. Marceline knew there was no getting to her so she thought to leave, but the second it grazed her mind it was already to late. Vivian charged straight towards her, sending a sharp jab to the side of her face. Before she knew it, she hit the ground with a slam. She rolled in agony, holding her jaw as Vivian splurted endless amounts of defying curses. They were far beyond that point, well, atleast she was. Marcy went numb under the hoots and howls while she stood, hand holding her jaw and eyes holding a grudge. Again, she faced the fighter. "We can stop this, all of this. We can do it right here, right now." She garbled her words. She could feel the blood rising from the inside of her mouth. She had got her good. Vivian looked at her, mocking her as if conserding her words. She didn't. Instead, she sent another punch flying her way. Her meaty knots collided with the other side of her jaw. She only stumbled back at the blow. The blood ran over the barrier of her mouth, the girls around them further begged for more action, and her vision blurred with daze. It was only when she caught the sight of her, tucked away and watching with silent eyes, that Marceline collected herself. It was clear Vivan wasn't going to stop beating her around anytime soon, so she had to take measures in her own hands. Unexpectedly, she pulled back her arms with concealed force before grabbing Vivians collar and pulling her towards her, planting her fist right square in the face of Vivan. Like she expected, the blow put in so much force that she blacked out, hitting the grass below her. The crowd went dead silent. Every girl that circled them had suddenly lost the voice they had just a second ago. Marceline composed in her beaten shape and faced them all. "Look at you all." She flung her hand in every which direction. "Standing around encouraging a fight that doesn't clearly need to happen for your own entertainment. You should a be ashamed." She wiped the drizzle of blood that leaked from her mouth and guzzled down her chin. "You should all be ashamed." She repeated. No girl dare spoke a word. By the time the silence had settled, Vivian was picking herself off the floor with new found consciousness. Marceline stared her into her eyes, slumping towards her. Everyone watched, anticipating, waiting for that final blow, but were all put in dismay when Marceline leaned down and offered her hand. Everyone watched in wonder as Vivian sat, staring at the hand in question before accepting it and being pulled up off the ground with no question. No fist were drawn, no punches were thrown, no brawl was in the making. Just two girls staring deeply into each others eyes. Marceline held out her hand, vivan shaking it with bide. No one spoke when they parted ways.

"Ok, almost there now." Her voice juggled about, Marceline trying her best to keep stable in her grip. It was Bonnie who assisted her in the walk all the way from the feild and back to their shared room. She had insited to. Her knees felt mush. "I got it Bonnie." She attended to the door ahead and pushed it open softly. Both girls entered the room and sat upon one of the beds. Bonnibel couldn't even begin to explain the amount of proud provided in her chest. It took big balls and a new way of thinking for Marceline to refuse a fight and settle the hatred ties between her and Vivan for the long run. Bonnibel had never been more proud of Marceline. "Im satisfied with your choices Marcy, I really am." Bonnibel aided to her friend, dabing at the smeared blood with a handkerchief pulled from her pocket. Marceline giggled. She rubbed her jaw softly."It hurts a lot." "I'll see if anyone will bargain me with some pain relievers tomorrow. It's to late to be out the room now." Indeed it was, the clock just now striking at their curfew. "Maybe a kiss would make it feel better." Marceline chuckled with giddy, lit aflame when Bonnibel fulfilled her suggestion and positioned her lips on her jaw. Marceline beamed.

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