Chapter Five

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"Oh my god" Scarlett said to herself quietly and the tall dark haired boys came over towards her.

"Hey" Beau said with a smile. Before she knew it Scarlett dived onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "Waoh" she heard Beau laugh.

"Sorry" she said, loss ending her arms and stepping back "I just still can't believe it's actually you"

Beau laughed "I know, it's weird." They smiled at each other.

"Hey, Scarlett!" She heard as she turned around to face another boy in a beanie.

"luke!" She said as she leaned in for a hug.

"Erm" he said nervously "I'm jai" Scarlett lowered her arms

"Oh" she said awkwardly. She was just about to speak when she heard a laugh behind her.

"It's a common mistake" she turned around to find a tall boy in a grey apparel facing her with a large grin on his face "you must be Scarlett" he said "I'm James."

"Well, hello James" she giggled.

"This is Luke" he said, grabbing the smaller boy that was standing behind him.

"Scarlett!" Luke said "how have you been?"

"Good, I've missed you though"

"Same" he said "I haven't seem you in years" As she was about to answer Megan interrupted

"I have to be home I'm an hour" she said "the family are coming round"

"Oh. Ok" Scarlett answered "let's go somewhere then" the group headed towards the shops I'm front of them.

"So how exactly do you know the brooks brothers?" James asked

"I used to live in Melbourne by the boys and we became very close, especially me and Beau-" she was about to carry on when James began speaking

"Wait." He said as he stopped suddenly "where even is Beau?"

"Oh god, I didn't even notice he was missing" Scarlett said as she looked back

"I saw him talking to Daniel just before we left." Jai answered "we must have left them by the museum."

"Oops" sam laughed as they headed back. Just as they were approaching the museum Megan noticed the two boys running towards them.

"There they are" she said as she pointed left.

"How did you not notice us leave?" James laughed

"I don't know" said daniel as he caught his breathe "we were just talking then you'd disappeared."

"Yeah." Beau said as he joined the group "so where are we going?"

It was now nine o'clock and they group decided to head home as it had been a long day and it was beginning to get dark.

"So where are you boys staying?" She asked

"We can't say" beau laughed "anyone could hear us and we don't want hundreds of fans waiting outside the hotel."

"Seriously?" Scarlett asked "who's going to hear?"

"You never know" he giggled. "So anyway, I'm surprised we haven't spoken about it already but why did you leave Melbourne?"

"Well why do you think" she replied.

"Well I know I was a bad influence on you and I could tell that your parents weren't too keen on me but did you really have to leave? I think it was a bit dramatic don't you?"

"Dramatic?" She said surprised "Beau you nearly killed me!"

"What?!" He said loudly

"What do you mean 'what'? Yon pushed me into a river Beau, you knew I couldn't swim!"

"Are you seriously blaming it on me?" He replied "I didn't push you Scarlett!"

"What? My parents said they saw you do it."

"Your parents?!" Beau raised his voice "they weren't even there! We were playing tag, can't you remember."

"I can't remember anything Beau, I hit my head on a rock. I was unconscious for hours. And why would my parents lie about being there?"

"I really don't know." Beau said "but I promise you they weren't and it wasn't my fault."


"Scarlett listen to me!" He said as he stopped and looked I to her eyes "I'd never hurt you."

"Hey Beau!" Daniel shouted "we have to go, the taxis here."

"Ok I'm coming" he replied "I'll see you tomorrow" he said as he kissed her lightly on the cheek.

"Oooooooh" Scarlett heard the girl giggle behind her "has Scarlett got a boyfrienddd" they said childishly

"Shut up" Scarlett said

"He's better than all the other ones you've had" Maisie laughed "there's so many I can't even remember half their names." She laughed

"Oh be quiet" she said "we've only just met"

"Well that's never stopped you before" Megan said as she nudged Scarlett's arm as she laughed, but Scarlett didn't reply. She was so confused about what Beau had said about her parents lying. They have always acted strange about the topic and never really wanted to talk about it so Scarlett had never asked, but why would they lie?

"Scarlett are you ok? We were only joking" Sam said

"Oh yeah. I'm fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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