Chapter four

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As Scarlett opened her eyes she could see her large chandelier hanging above her, laying next to her was Megan.

"Wake up" Scarlett said loudly, grabbing Megan's shoulders and shaking them. Megan rolled over

"Ugh, what time is it?" She groaned. Scarlett picked up her phone that was placed on the wooden cabinet next to her bed.

"it's half two." She said surprised. "We better get dressed if were going out" she yawned, dragging herself out the bed.

The two girls got dressed and headed towards the bus stop.

"Last night was good" Megan laughed "they seem like really nice boys"

"Yeah" Scarlett replied

"So, why did you leave Australia?" Megan asked as she looked up at Scarlett. Before she could reply the bus arrived. As the two girls go on they noticed Sam and Maisie sitting at the back

"Hii!" Megan said loudly as she ran over to them. The four girls sat together and began talking about last night. "It was actually really good and Scarlett got Beaus number" she smiled as she nudged Scarlett with her shoulder and winked at her. Scarlett laughed.

"I haven't called him yet" she said "should I invite him and the boys out with us? I checked the tour timetable and they're free all this week.

"Yeah!" Sam shouted excitedly "can we come too?"

"Ok" Scarlett laughed. She picked up her phone and began to ring him but he did not answer.

"He's not answering" she said as she rang again but he still didn't pick up. "Oh well" she sighed "he must be busy"

As the four girls stepped off the bus Scarlett felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. She pulled it out and looked down at the screen "oh my god it's beau" she said as she pulled it up to her ear "hello?" She said as the three girls behind her giggled childishly. "Oh yeah" Scarlett carried on "I was just wondering if you and the other boys wanted to come down to Liverpool today with me and my friends" Scarlett smiled as Beau replied "sure" she said "we'll meet you at the museum" she looked at the other girls and raised her thumb "okay, bye" she said as she ended the call. "I can't believe it" she said "I'm actually going to talk to beau again" she could feel her hands shaking.

"Are the other boys coming?" Sam asked

"Yeah, we're meeting them in two hours so we may as well do some shopping" she said as she lead the girls to the large shopping centre ahead.

I know nothing much has happened so far but it will get better, I hope.

Conflicted // A Beau Brooks FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now