Chapter One

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Scarlett was applying her final layer of nail varnish when she heard the doorbell ring. She placed the varnish on her dressing table as she ran downstairs towards the door, blowing her nails to dry them. Through the blurred glass she could see a colourful balloon and a tall brown haired figure holding it.

"Happy Birthday!" Scarlett heard as she opened the door

"Megan! You're early!" She laughed as she welcomed her in.

"I wanted to be the first here." Megan smiled as she handed Scarlett a large box with the brightly coloured balloon attached to it "Happy 18th!" She shouted.

"Aw thank you." Scarlett said as she wrapped her arms around Megan.

The two girls made their way upstairs and sat down on a large king size bed, facing the huge television placed on the once cream wall that was now covered in posters and photographs. Scarlett started undoing the ribbon that was holding the box together when the door bell rang again.

"It must be the others." Scarlett said as she removed the heavy box from her lap and headed downstairs. "I'll be back in a minute."

Scarlett was right, standing at the door were her two other friends Samantha (or Sam as she was known to her friends) and Maisie. They each handed her a card and headed upstairs.

"Thanks for the cards girls" Scarlett smiled, as she grabbed the remote for her new television that her parents had gotten her for her birthday and switched it on. She then carried on opening her present off Megan. She was excited about finding out what was inside the box, it was heavier than she expected it to be and she had no idea what could be in it. As she opened the top of the box Scarlett noticed the silver apple logo peering through the top of the box.

"Oh my god! It's an iPad! Thank you so much Megan!"

"You're welcome, but don't just thank me, we all chipped in and split the money between us, do you like it?"

"Yes!" Scarlett smiled "thank you so much girls!" Scarlett had lots of things, an iPhone, an iPod, two laptops and more, but she had never had an iPad before. Her parents said they were a waist of money and there was no point in getting one of she already had laptop.

Scarlett had been on her new present for most of the night now.

"Omg have you seen the last picture Amy put up on Instagram?" Maisie laughed.

"No?" Scarlett replied "what is it?"

"She's at a concert, but who are those boys she's with?"

Sam climbed over all the pillows on the floor and looked at Maisie's screen.

"They're gorgeous!" Sam shouted.

"Let me see!" Megan ran over "Sam's right, oh my god!" Scarlett decided to look at the picture. She opened the Instagram app. The first picture to come up wasn't of Amy but after scrolling for a while Scarlett found it.

"Oh wow" she laughed "you're right! I wonder where she is?" Scarlett looked closer at the people, in the background were hundreds of teenage girls. She spotted one that was holding a small sign, written on it in bright orange paint was 'The Janoskians'.

"The Janoskians, who are they?"

"Oh I've heard of them" Sam replied, they're a boyband or something from Melbourne. I'm surprised you didn't know about them Scarlett."

"Just because I used to live there doesn't mean-" Scarlett stared at the picture again, this time the thing that caught her eye were the green eyes of one of the boys, they were so beautiful and Scarlett was certain that she had seen him before but she couldn't quite remember when. But then it hit her. "OH MY GOD!" She pulled the iPad up closer to her so that the boys face was clearer. Her eyes moved to the right, standing next to him was a set of twins. "OH MY GOD!!" She repeated, but louder this time.

"What?" Megan asked

"IT'S BEAU!" Scarlett shouted "It's BEAU BROOKS AND HIS BROTHERS!" Her heart was racing, surely it wasn't him, she hadn't seen him in ten years. Scarlett clicked the picture. Sure enough, next to the green eyed boy was the name 'beaupeterbrooks'.

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