"Sheppard said the lab was well hidden. Why the need for secrecy? The wraith can take people at will and do whatever they want with them."

Honestly, Kai didn't see how a hundred plus year old lab would help the fight the Wraith in a few days time, but Weir was interested. Her computer beeped. "There we are," she said looking back down at the screen.

Weir moved around the side of the table and stood over Kai's shoulder as Kai began scrolling through the pages and pages of logs.

"This is obviously a language. Does it mean anything to you?" Weir asked.

Kai lifted a brow in surprise. "It's Wraith."

"Wraith?" Weir asked in confusion. "Can you read it?"

Kai nodded slowly. She hadn't realized how little they knew about the Wraith. "Some of it. Fairly slowly," she confessed.

"That would make sense," Weir agreed. ""I'd like to have a good look through this," Weir said frowning down at the screen. "Would you mind helping me with the translation? That is, as long as you don't have anything else that requires your attention."

Kai shook her head. "Zelenka and McKay will contact me when they need my help with the chair."

"Great!" Elizabeth said with a smile and she pulled a stool up to sit next to Kai.

Kai looked around and found a pad of paper. "Can you read Lantian?" she asked.

Elizabeth looked a little sheepish. "Not as well as I should."

Kai nodded unconcerned. "Well, the two are very similar. Just replace this symbol with this one, and realize the Wraith don't use vowels." She said, scratching down a few more notes.

The two worked for several hours together before Doctor Weir decided their findings were significant enough to bring in Doctor Beckett. Kai was a much more efficient translator but Doctor Weir never gave up, the two of them continued to produce more and more data for Beckett throughout the night. It was nearing dawn when the true significance of their findings occurred to them.

Doctor Weir and Doctor Beckett shared a long look before Weir activated her radio. "Teyla, please report to Science Lab 2E."

Despite the early hour Teyla's reply was clear and immediate. "I am on my way Doctor Weir."

Teyla arrived moments later. Kai couldn't help feeling like she was intruding somehow, but Elizabeth had insisted she stay.

"You look like I feel," Teyla commented her eyes running over the three of them. None of them had gotten any sleep and it showed.

Weir nodded taking a sip of yet another cup of coffee. "We've been up all night."

"You wanted to see me?" Teyla asked, her eyes ran over the equipment surrounding Doctor Beckett but her gaze settled on Kai. There were only so many projects that involved the Mortii. This most certainly involved the Wraith.

"You'd better sit down," Beckett said kindly.

Teyla tensed. "What is it?" She asked sensing Weir and Beckett's discomfort.

"Well...we translated most of the first log you brought back and...are you sure you don't want to have a seat?" Weir asked a little desperately.

Teyla's eyes flickered to Kai. The Mortii's expression was perfectly calm and composed. She didn't share the reservations Weir and Beckett did. "The Wraith were conducting experiments on the inhabitants of that planet," Kai filled in easily.

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