A Slight Problem

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Months after Tony's walk, everything went quiet. 

He had been working with Bruce on a project all week and he had been making it his personal mission to spend more time with Pepper. Not to mention, Peter had been coming over every other weekend, whether it was adding to his suit or just to talk about school.

Shuri had met Peter, completely by accident, when she insisted on assisting with the delivery of Vibranium. As you might be able to guess, they got along like a house on fire. Matter of fact, they did almost set the Tower on fire when they decided to scare Tony in the lab, it was a wonder it hadn't burned downed to a crisp. Good thing Dum-E was quick with a fire extinguisher. Sometimes too quick.

There was nothing new for Tony to look into about the Half-Blood division. The files were still completely inaccessible, much to Starks annoyance. Neither Loki or Thor were being followed by the agents (to their knowledge). Luckily for them, Loki's children weren't returning to hunt him down anytime soon. It wasn't like they were giving them the chance, for the most part the gods were off-world.

One night, Tony had been staying up late in his office, finishing up a few last minute pieces of paperwork that he'd supposed to of finished a month ago, when his phone buzzed. There was only a few contacts in his phone he hadn't put on silent, meaning it could either be Pepper, Rhodey, Happy or KAREN. 

Admittedly, he had put Peter on silent, he just couldn't take the endless supply of memes.

When he checked the notification, he realized it was in fact KAREN, alerting him that Peter had been talking with two people he referred to as Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson.

That was fifteen minutes ago.

Now Peter was unconscious and, from what KAREN could tell, the other people were engaged in battle.

Tony immediately summoned his suit and high-tailed it to the coordinates KAREN had supplied him.


"Annabeth!" Percy called out to his girlfriend at the same moment he thrust Riptide into the side of yet another Hellhound "Get Peter to safety, I can hold them off for now." He shook his head quickly, shaking off the golden dust remains.

Annabeth sent a look at Peter, who was lying up on the ground. He'd been knocked out by one of the hellhounds and had dropped like a rag doll.

Thankfully, before it could kill him Annabeth had dealt with the monster "Fine, but if you think for one second I'm not coming back to beat your highscore then you're sorely mistaken." She muttered and sheathed her dagger in the inside of her boot.

She moved away from the chaos and picked Peter up in a bridal carry. Once she was certain he was safe in her grip, Annabeth sprinted from the edge of the rooftop in order to find a safe place.

Annabeth raced off to a secluded spot. She lowered Peter onto the ground and checked him for any visible injuries. None of his bones felt broken and she couldn't spot any bruises or blood, but decided not to move him anymore than necessary.

Barely a second after she was sure Peter was fine, Annabeth's ears picked up on the whirring of a machine growing closer and closer. She left Peter behind the wall and stood in the way of his hiding spot, ready to act as a human shield.

"Peter?" A voice she recognized from TV called out to the unconscious Spider-Man. Annabeth had heard Peter gush about his mentor. There was no one better to ask for help in defending him.

She moved out of her hiding place, her hand gripping her dagger behind her back, and never broke eye contact between her and the billionaire "Stark." 

Even though she had always hated how S.H.I.E.L.D added a picture to her file, Annabeth admitted it did come in handy in that moment. Stark was well aware of who she was.

"Annabeth Chase, where the hell is my kid." He growled, not trusting her for a moment. Everything he had read proved she attracted danger like a magnet did iron filings. Tony would even go as far to bet his life she was likely the reason Peter was hurt in the first place.

"He's right here, I got him away from the monsters. He's not badly injured, from what I can see, but he was hit around the head," Annabeth moved out of the way, letting him run to Peters side in a panic "I need to go help my boyfriend, you should both get out of the way. This isn't your fight, Stark."

She jogged back to where Percy was still fighting and helped take down the last few Hellhounds. Little did she know, Tony had hesitated and watched from a safe distance for a few minutes.

He was confused by the creatures they had been fighting. They seemed to shift from oversized dogs to creepy red-eyed things hell-bent on tearing the kids limb from limb. 


[PUBLISHED 17/08/20]

The art at the top is actually from a few weeks ago (and of Thalia if you can't tell) and is pretty much the only thing I've done recently that I still like.

Also, just for no reason, did anyone ever read the Rose books? Ya know, Rose and the Magicians Mask, Rose and the Lost Princess? By Holly Webb? If not, you should, I loved them as a kid and I'm rereading them now.

I've genuinely never met anyone else who read them.

Anyway, see you next Monday, we're almost at the end my friends :)

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