Our New 'Friends' Are Definitely Dead

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The albino kid sprinted into the room and dove behind the desk, hiding. Tony and Loki jumped up, ready to defend themselves, but there was no need. The supposed 'threat' walked in calmly, hands on hips, and stared directly at where the kid was hiding. He was a short guy with dark skin, perfectly styled hair, a slight beard, and very fashionable suit with a fancy waistcoat.

He glanced over at the two gentlemen by the coach and sighed "Sorry about this, I'm sure Magnus won't be long. The name's Blitzen, by the way, but most people call me Blitz." Blitz took a few steps closer to the cowering elf and lifted him up onto his feet.

'Oh, I didn't see you there.' Hearth gave a sheepish smile and signed away at his close friend, not looking over at their unwanted guests.

"Don't be a smart-Alf, Hearth," Blitz rolled his eyes, practically dragging him by the scarf out of the room. Stark could faintly hear the guy say something along the lines of "It's your turn to be distraction for the squirrel."

"Did I hear him correctly? Squirrel?" Stark was more than a little confused. Were they referring to some kind of game?

"If I remember correctly, then you really don't want to know." Loki shuddered. He'd run across the squirrel in question a few times as a child when he strayed too far from the palace gardens, it a horrifying thing.

They sat once more and waited, staring at the open doorway in silence. It took awhile, but, eventually a blonde long-haired teenager stumbled in. His clothes were tattered at the sleeves from what was starting to look like claw marks. Why did Tony have the feeling that had something to do with the previously mentioned squirrel?

 Magnus sent them an odd look. He reached up to a chain around his neck upon spotting an oddly well-groomed Loki on his couch with a superhero billionaire.

"Can I help you?"

"The name's Tony Stark, but from the look in your eye I'm guessing you already knew that. I'm also pretty sure Loki needs no introduction." Stark prepared himself for the worst and asked his question "I'm trying to track down Annabeth Chase."

The mood changed instantly. Magnus narrowed his eyes at Tony, his hand now resting on charm-Jack, ready to summon his sword at any moment "Why?"

"I found her name in some S.H.I.E.L.D files and they also mentioned someone in my care. There was a lot of stuff written in her mission reports that could put him in even more danger than he already throws himself into." Stark tried to calm the situation, really not wanting to fight a bunch of kids. It's look bad if he was in the news for beating up homeless children in their shelter.

"You want to make sure they're safe? Trust me, there's no one better for him to hang out with than my cousin and her friends." He ended the conversation by raising his hand and gesturing to the door "If I were you I'd go before there's another explosion in the kitchen, I don't want to get sued when you die."

They went to leave but stopped when Stark's phone buzzed. He checked the notification. It a message from JARVIS, alerting him that Magnus Chase and Alex Fierro (whom he had background checks run on) had obituaries. Not to mention, a full body scan from earlier in the tower claimed Alex had no pulse. They were dead.

"Hey," Tony confronted the teenager "Before I go, mind explaining why you and the green haired guy haven't got a heart beat?"

Magnus froze, caught off guard by the sudden question "Take a guess, you're supposed to be a genius after all." He forced a smirk and sat on the edge of his desk. When in doubt, antagonise the people who could end your existence.

"Well, normally when people have no pulse, it implies they're dead. You appear to be perfectly fine, however." Tony tilted his head to the side "Loki, perhaps you'd like to weigh in?"

"I'll take a stab in the dark and say you're supposed to be in Valhalla?"

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner!" Magnus chuckled and sat crossed legged on his desk "Not surprising since you're also Norse."


"Sorry, I must of forgotten to properly introduce myself. The name's Magnus Chase, Einherjar , son of Frey the Norse God of Sunshine and fair weather."

Stark raised his eyebrow, how many Half-Bloods was he going to meet while searching for the Agents?

"Well," Loki cleared his throat and clapped his hands together "We best be on our way, Stark has meetings to get to and I have... organs to not be stabbed. We can see ourselves out." He gave a grin and lightly pushed Tony towards the exit.

Magnus stood back up, grabbed his phone and sent a single message to his cousin. She was smart enough to figure it out from context.

'He's looking for you.'


[PUBLISHED 04/08/20]

I'm a day late, whoops. I had a meh day yesterday and was so tired that I completely forgot to publish this. I made a few final edits and added in the drawing of Samirah, so there shouldn't be any mistakes.

Ahhhhh, I'm so tired for no reason.

I'm pretty sure when this book is done and I clear out my one-shot book drafts, I'm just gonna stop publishing work on here.

I'm not moving to another site, I'm working on season one of a script that I can animate (I'm saving up for a decent drawing tablet, should get it by next year) and I want to focus on that more.

So yeah, see you (maybe) next monday, there's only four more chapters left!

(Also stay safe and healthy y'all)

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