Chapter 2

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'But little Taecup, I was wondering...' he moves his hand through his hair, making his bandana more visible. 'Do I really look that good in a bandana?'

I look shocked at him. Oh god, why is he asking me this? As if I'm not embarrassed enough, I think to myself. Shyly I look to the ground. He starts laughing: 'Relax, I'm just teasing you. I smile at him awkwardly. I notice that I'm still standing with my back against the wall. Taehyung is very close and still has his left hand against the wall next to my head. 'C-could you maybe...', I stammer, after which I make a gesture that he has to go back. But instead of going backwards, he's leaning forward. 'What do you mean?' He says 'fake' confused, but with a seductive smile. 

I sigh: 'You know what I mean'

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I sigh: 'You know what I mean'. He looks at me with puppy eyes: 'No I don't'. He comes even closer and I decide to push him away. When I push against his chest, I expect him to step back. But instead he keeps standing in the same place, so I just awkwardly stand there with my hands against his chest and my face inches away from his face. I quickly remove my hands from his chest. I feel my cheeks burn and I shyly look at the ground. He giggles. 'It's really great to finally meet you', he says while smiling wide at me. 

I smile awkwardly at him

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I smile awkwardly at him. He finally takes a step back and moves one hand through his hair. 'I think I own you an apology', he says with a guilty face. I look at him confused. 'I mean... I'm sorry for not telling you who I was. You must have been startled when you found out it was me'. I shyly nod. He continues: 'I-it's just... I really liked talking to you and I didn't want to ruin that'. I look at him with big unbelieving eyes. How could he have liked talking to me? I think to myself. I mean, I've behaved like a crazy fangirl. Sending like a million photos of his abs and stuff like that. Taehyung clears his throat: 'I was wondering... since you know my name, it's only fair that you tell me your name', he says with a wink.

 since you know my name, it's only fair that you tell me your name', he says with a wink

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 'Y-Y/N', I whisper. 'Y/N', he says slowly. 'That name really suits you', he says. To hear him say that makes me blush even more. Suddenly I notice that something is missing: 'M-my suitcase', I stammer. Taehyung looks confused at me. 'I-I must have left it when we ran from those fangirls', I say. 'Let's go find it', Taehyung says. He grabs my wrist and starts walking quickly in the direction we came from, pulling me with him. Fortunately my suitcase is still in the same place as I left it. 'Mr Kim, are you ready to go'. I hear someone say. I turn around and see a men standing next to Taehyung. 'Yes, we are', he says while smiling at me. I look confused at Taehyung. 'Come', he says while grabbing my wrist again. He pulls me along to the car and puts my suitcase in the trunk. He opens the car door and I get in. 'Where are you planning to stay?' he asks curious. 'Ehm, I'm still looking for an apartment, so I'm planning to stay in a hotel the first week. Do you know a cheap hotel?" I ask shyly. He thinks for a moment and then nods.

After half an hour, in which we didn't speak much, the car stops. I look around me and see that we have arrived in a a fancy looking neighbourhood. 'I-I don't see a hotel', I stammer. Taehyung smirks at me. He gets out of the car and walk toward my side of the car. He opens my car door and I step out doubtfully. He lifts my suitcase out of the trunk and waves to the driver, after which the car drives away. 'Now that the car is gone, you can no longer say no', he says satisfied. I look at him suspiciously. 'W-what do you mean?' He laughs at my worried face. 'Don't look so worried', he says with a wide smile. He grabs my suitcase with one hand and takes my wrist with his other hand. 'Come, follow me'. He pulls me towards a fancy looking apartment and when we reach the door he takes a key out of his pocket. 'Wait... this is your house', I stammer. He smiles at me: 'Yes it is. And it's also the best and cheapest hotel you can find', he says with a wink. He walks inside waiting for me to enter. But I just stand there watching him with open mouth. 'I-I can't...', I stammer. Taehyung starts laughing. 'Of course you can', he says while pulling me inside. 'You need a place to stay and I want to spend more time with you. So this is a great solution'. We enter the living room and he lets go of my wrist. I look awkwardly around. 'Y-you life alone?' I ask uncertain. He nods: 'I that a problem', he asks with a confused face. 'Yes... no... I mean...', I stammer. He starts laughing. 'Don't worry, I won't do anything to you...', he takes a step in my direction 'Unless... you want to', he says with a smirk.

 you want to', he says with a smirk

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First meeting (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now