A thousand years waiting for you

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🥳 Happy New Years! 2020!!!! WohoO! 🎉 Can't believe it's been this long Lol!
Welcome to a new story! I've been working on this a lot. Ive been getting a lot of notifications for my other story about updates. And yeah....I'm sorry about that my updates are really slow right now. I've update a couple story. Its just I haven't been motivated lately and I'm just busy with life. I'm really sorry about that. I'll be sure to update as much as I can 😁

The sound of shoes clack on the floor came closer and closer to a giant door with two guards at the side.

"Lord Mili-sama please wait!" Before the guards could stop the man he slam the door open.

"Your Highness!! You can't be serious about letting the humans go!" Lord Mili shouted at the man who sat on the throne with a human with light blue hair Who stood to him.

"Ohho, and tell me why we cannot." The King with black hair and silver eyes looked down at the man.

"We need their blood! Their only disgusting livestock that shouldn't even be alive!" Lord Mili shouted

"Lord Mili-San, you should understand this. There are already human who are willing to give blood to us. Instead of kidnapping  them and making them slave would only cause more problem with the human. That's why his Highness created that law. That no human should ever be harmed or become livestock." The blue haired man said.

"Shut up! You wouldn't understand anything! Human are the reason this war started! It was your fault the last king died you Lives-Arg!!!" Before the man could finished he felt himself choke.

He felt himself unable to move. Then he noticed silver strings were all around his body. He looked up and saw the blue haired man with a emotionless face holding onto the strings. But in those eyes they were angry.

"Kuroko Stop." The King Said.

Kuroko looked at him for a moment and let go of the string.

Lord Mili was able to breathe again he fell to his knees frighten that he almost died.

"It's like Kuroko Said human are not to be harm. There are already humans who are willing to give us their blood. I know that he reason you became a noble was because you sold human for money. I will not allow that. If I do find you still do those things I will have you be exterminated. Understood?"His eyes glowed red.

Lord Mili shook in fear.

"Y-Yes your highness." He bowed his head onto the floor.


After Lord Mili left it was only Kuroko and the king.

"Levi-San are you sure it's okay to let him go." Kuroko looked at the king.

"Yeah, I'll be sure to send someone to spy on the man." Levi sat back on his throne.

"I see." Kuroko looked down to the floor like he was thinking something.

Levi looked at him he noticed Kuroko eye were glowing a bit blue.

"Do you need blood." Levi said.

Kuroko flinch. He quickly cover his eyes.

"No, I don't need any." Kuroko turned away but the truth is his throat felt very dry and he needed something.

"Kuroko you should know that even if your immortal you need blood once a year right. Your a half-Vampire. You will go crazy if you don't." Levi said.

"I told you I don't need any. I'll just drink animal blood." Kuroko said sternly.

"Looks like I have no choice." Levi took out a small knife

A Thousand Years Waiting For You (Akakuro & Riren)Where stories live. Discover now