"It started out of nowhere and the locals say it is the worst thunderstorm they can even remember! And usually thunderstorms travel fast but it seems that those clouds stay on their place" Kvestor rambled.

"That does sound like Laxus is there", Makarov agreed frowning. "Maybe it is not a bad idea to send at least few teams there."

Bickslow crashed on the ground with Evergreen, both panting heavily.

"Shhiiit!" the seith mage hissed grabbing his arm that was bleeding.

"Are you alright, Bicks?" Ever asked quickly wiping some hair out of her face.

"My arm's totally smashed now, it's good for nothing for a while. Did it at least work?" Bickslow asked looking at the mansion.

The blast from his attack threw them to the ground, as he wasn't able to fully control where he hit because of the previous injuries. There was no way he could do that attack again, not without ripping his arm completely off with that or crushing his other arm as well. 'Babies' hovered through the air to them, all five of them again in their normal tiki totem forms.

"We are too tired!" they apologized sadly. "No more magic!" they wailed.

"That's alright, babies, you did well", Bicks grinned to them reassuringly.

"I have to confess, my magic power is running dangerously low as well", Ever gritted her teeth looking at the sky where Laxus and Lucados kept fighting fiercely. Bickslow's destructive attack had blown parts of the mansion away like it was a house made out of sticks, but it wasn't enough to stop the old mage.

"That man is a freaking monster!" Bickslow shouted both irritated and worried. "It's like he doesn't even notice us if we try to do something."

"I think at this point we might just get more in the way than be helpful for Laxus", Ever sighed. They wanted to help! But what could they do? Laxus was the only one who could actually hit Lucados.

They jolted when they heard steps and quickly stood up. Four figures stepped ahead and Bickslow grinned widely.

"Good to see you guys!" he cackled to Valdeghar and Umanor. "So? Are these two now on our side?"

"Yes", Umanor said and Jish-Ahrna and Moranga both nodded. "It seems like you two shouldn't get involved more into that fight."

"I hate to admit it but you might be right", Bickslow huffed.

"But we have to do something!" Ever yelled furiously, her brown hair all messed up and glasses crooked because they were broken. "We can't just stand aside and watch!"

"You can do something for all of us", Valdeghar said. "Freed is still inside the mansion."

"Inside it? While we were fighting and causing it to almost crumble down?" Bickslow asked with horror.

"Oh no! Poor Freed!" 'babies' yelled scared.

"Even if the whole mansion would crash down, it wouldn't do anything for the Chamber", Valdeghar assured. "Freed is alright if he has stayed there. But it would be better if you go get him out and take him away from here."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Ever asked worried, watching how Laxus was shoved inside the west side of the mansion, coming through the wall only seconds later.

"We can't be sure", Valdeghar said. "But the Chamber is underground and if the mansion crumbles on it's entrance, it might take forever to dig him out from there. He might even suffocate."

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