Eye-Sha-Dore you

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"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Virgil asked, biting his lip to keep the smirk he was trying to suppress from spreading. He watched with an eyebrow raised as Patton carefully adjusted himself in the middle of the living room floor.

Patton offered one of his goofy grins and chuckled softly. "Sure thing, Kiddo!" He said as his deep brown eyes gazed up at Virgil, who was still standing awkwardly by the end of the couch. "I want to look as beautiful as you!" Patton added with a large, genuine smile.

If Virgil's cheeks weren't hidden by a thick layer of the palest foundation ever, Patton would have just been able to make out the light blush that was slowly beginning to appear.

No one had ever called Virgil beautiful before... And he was surprised that Patton even thought that about him. They were just friends after all... right?

The Moral trait flashed another smile, patting the spot in front of him on the floor in the hopes Virgil would get the message. Virgil nodded and grabbed the small bag from the couch, taking it with him as he took a seat in front of Patton's criss-crossed legs. He slowly placed the little black bag in his lap, unzipping it.

"What's first, Kiddo?" Patton chirped, head tilted and eyes innocently wide as he slowly began talking off his glasses. "You're gonna have to talk me through it 'cause I can't see a thing!" An uneven chuckle left his lips.

Virgil smiled and took a peek in the bag, pulling out a small tube of moisturizer. "First," Virgil said as he unscrewed the lid off the tube. "We have to make sure your face is nice and soft... Well... softer than it already is..."

Patton eyes filled with awe as Virgil's tiny fingers began tracing over his cheeks. A light flush of pink danced across his face. The tip of Patton's nose began tingling from the touches of the anxious trait. "I... wh-what's next?" He asked, gulping down the feelings of affection he had for the trait sitting in front of him. Patton's stomach was practically doing back-flips.

Virgil bit back a grin, his fingers finishing up massaging the moisturizer into Patton's silky soft skin. "Foundation..." He smiled, taking out a tube foundation that would match Patton's tone. "I'm only going to put a light layer on you..." Virgil didn't give a reason why. He didn't want Patton to know that he wanted to keep his freckles visible. He didn't want him to know that he found them so freaking adorable. Virgil didn't want Patton to find out that he would count them every time he got the chance.

"Maybe... maybe one day I could do your makeup?" It was nothing but a shy whisper. A quiet and delicate breath of air, from the trait that would almost always give a jolly and enthusiastic remark. The heat seemed to pick up on the back of his neck, hairs standing on end due to the uncertainty of what the other would say.

"You would wanna do my makeup?" Virgil couldn't hold back the little laugh that pushed past his lips. He carefully dabbed small dots of foundation on various parts of Patton's blushing face, blending it in with a tiny sponge.

The Moral trait bit at his lip and fiddled with his fingers. "If you'd let me, I would..." He glanced up and their eyes met. Patton giggled quietly, squinting. "Y-you're very blur-a-ful..."

Virgil stared at Patton for a second, the foundation and sponge slipping from his grasp as he felt hands wrap around his waist, pulling him into Patton's lap. Virgil could feel heat rush over his cheeks, hands sweating, mouth dry.

"What's next, Virge?" Patton beamed.

"E-eye sha-shadow..." He stammered, swallowing nervously.

Their lips connected, hearts beating faster with each touch, fluttering in stomachs. Patton pulled away slowly, blush seeming to push past the layer of foundation on his cheeks.

"Eye-sha-dore you."

𝑀𝑜𝓍𝒾𝑒𝓉𝓎 𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈 (𝒮𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒮𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓈)Where stories live. Discover now