Chapter Twenty Four: Flashbacks

Start from the beginning

Deciding to go downstairs, maybe for a walk, I closed the book.

Passing Celeste's room, I noticed the door was wide open. I found that extremely strange, since she usually shuts it, locking it firmly, and will ignore all knocks.

"Hey," I said, leaning against the doorway as I had seen her do so many times.

"What do you want?"

I shrugged.

"If you don't have anything important to say, then leave me alone."

She was painting her toenails, her golden hair shielding her face. She was smacking her Droobles Best Blowing Gum loudly.

" you think might come back someday."

She snorted.


"Why not?"

"I just know okay? God."

I frowned. How come she remembered him so well.

"Well, what was he like."

She glared at me, like, in a you-really-expect-me-to-answer way.


I frowned again. He couldn't be awful. Dads weren't supposed to be awful.

"How was he awful."

"He hurt mom a lot. And hit us. He didn't like us. Kept to himself."

"So do you," I pointed out.

"I'm not your caregiver, am I? So why don't you go bother mom."

I frowned sadly, walking away. Why didn't dad like us? Weren't parents supposed to like their kids no matter what?


My eyes fluttered open.

Judging by the heavy blanket ontop of me, and the funny smell that hung upon the air, I was in the hospital wing.

Which was empty, unless you counted Madame Pomfrey, humming in her office.

Suddenly, I jumped, when I noticed someone sitting my my bed.

It was Hermione.

"Hi." She said awkwardly.

I shook my head.

She didn't say anything, but she didn't leave either.

Finally, she asked.

"Was it me who um...made you want to commit...suicide...?"

Her voice sounded trembly and afraid as though I was about to attack her.

Suddenly, it clicked.

It wasn't about getting Ron.

It was in my mind, about proving I could do something, something that my sister had instructed, my sister, the one whose love and affection I sought above all others, the person I worked so hard to get to like me.

It wasn't about ruining their relationship.

I had just wanted to accomplish something.

Or maybe I was more selfish than that.

Maybe I had wanted to ruin their perfect lives, because mine sucked.

Either way I was awful.

And either way, I owed an apology.

"No," I responded, not looking her in the eye. "I have a lot of messed up personal problems. It has nothing to do with you."

She nodded.

"Want to talk about them?"

I thought of how nice it would be, to have someone who would be so willing to listen to you, your feelings you kept bottled up since five years old, to have a friend.

Instead I shook my head.

"I'm sorry though. For, butting in your relationship. I'm pathetic."

She smiled.

"Well, I can understand why my boyfriend is so irresistible."

"Oh, ha ha..."

We sat for the longest time, not talking.

Until finally, she said goodnight.

I smiled.

I had been selfish, and awful, and petty.

But she still forgave me.

She was alright.



Ugh I had to keep writing this over and over bc it kept booting me out urgh.

First of all: TYSM for all the reads! It means so much lol 💕☺️

Second: I understand that most of you (basically all) of you hate Vanessa, but please don't comment that my plot is stupid.

If you think my plot is stupid, then you don't have to read my fanfiction.

Nobody is forcing you☺️

Refrain from rude comments and just close the story.


Third: Shoutout to _sociallyawkward_ you're so active and your comments are the best!

So yeah. Some Nuna and Hinny coming up

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