"I'm okay, I just started freaking out and I don't even know why. I was mostly fine on the way here, but then I just started imagining all kinds of horrible scenarios in my head and it just got worse while we waited for you to come back with the water. I'm so sorry for that." He quickly tried to apologise, but I instantly let him know that he had nothing to apologise for. His reaction was completely normal for someone that has had to go through the trauma he had to endure four years ago. We sat like that for about twenty minutes, the three of us just chatting so that Kayden will feel more at ease.

The doorbell rang again so I got up to answer it. Kayden and Maxie, both looked extremely confused as I never told them about Dean visiting, because I wanted to catch Maxie unaware. I let Dean in, pulling him into a quick hug, before leading the way to the lounge. I watched Maxie's face, when I moved to the side, letting him see Dean and his reaction didn't disappoint. His features literally lit up and the smile that stretched across his lips was enormous. I turned to  Dean, to watch his expression and was actually quite shocked to see a very similar look on his face. 

Maxie jumped off the couch and ran straight to Dean, jumping up into his arms and wrapping his legs around Dean's waist, clinging to him like a little koala bear. I looked at the scene in confusion, before turning to look at Kayden, only to see the same confusion on his face. "Hey Baby Boy, how have you been." Dean softly asked Maxie, making me want to burst out laughing. "I'm good Daddy, I was hoping I would get to see you today, that's why I came with Kayden. I knew the big guy wanted Kayden to himself, so he would probably invite you to distract me. And it worked perfectly." Maxie exclaimed, with a huge, smug grin as he turned to me. 

I put my hands up, I needed to calm this all down, and take things one at a time. But the biggest thing that stuck out at me, was my friend allowing someone to call him Daddy. He has never been into that kink as far as I knew. "Whoa, hold up a second." I raised my voice slightly to be heard over Maxie's eager chatter. "Since when are you a Daddy? I've known you for almost eight years and not once have you mentioned a Daddy kink to me." I aimed the question at Dean, who was now sitting down with Maxie securely perched on his lap and snuggled under his chin. 

Dean just shrugged, then smiled softly down at the curly mop of dark hair. "I wasn't, but for some reason it just makes sense to me when he calls me that." he replied to me honestly, still looking down at his Baby Boy on his lap. I can say, without a doubt, that I have never seen my friend like this over someone. His eyes held far more than just the usual lust I would see there. Now it held a softness and a gentleness that was never there before.

"Well, I'm happy for you Dean, but there was actually a plan for today, and I don't know if Maxie wants to take part. But the main reason for Kayden to be here today, is to start his submissive training. I was thinking of just going over the safewords and the importance of using them, as well as a few positions." I said, raising a questioning eyebrow at my friend. He looked down at Maxie, who was now staring up at me, and smirked. "I think that would be a great idea. I can teach my Baby Boy here, some ground rules." he said, before giving Maxie a resounding smack on his ass cheek. The little cutie yelped, but then had the cheek to wiggle his ass on Dean's lap, causing the man to groan and poor Kayden, to flush a brilliant red. 

We spent about an hour talking to the boys about safety and safe words, explaining the importance of safe words and also the importance of making sure that the Dom you are going to do a scene with, is stone cold sober. Then, we got the boys on the floor and they were practicing their kneeling positions. 

Everything was going fine and I was immensely proud of how graceful Kayden actually was, when suddenly a phone started dinging like crazy. it sounded like message after message was coming through. I realised it was Kayden's phone, when he flushed red again, and reached over to the table to pick it up. He slid his thumb across the screen and went into his messaging app. I saw his body first tense, then tremble, then outright shaking. He looked up at me, and the tears were already spilling down his cheeks as he held his phone out to me. I sat down on the floor next to him and pulled him into my lap. I took the phone from his hand and looked at what had upset my precious boy so badly. As I looked down, I saw image, after image of Kayden and Maxie on my lounge floor, in their present positions. Some were even close-ups of Kayden's face and right at the end, the message just said, I See You. 

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