A Stunning TransFormation

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We've seen human fanarts of TransFormers for a while. But I didn't really start seeing them as human until I saw BumbleBee this past December. And the chemistry between Bee and Charlie just increased my love for the idea and the ship between them. So I decided to start a new story featuring the two.

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers or anything of the franchise. I only own my original idea of how Bee becomes human. And idk for sure, but I may have named the CharBee ship. Honestly, idk. But eh. 😂

Now let's get into this!!!


***Charlie's Garage***

"Can you speak?" Charlie Watson asked the timid yellow Autobot.

"[Buzzing]" was the only response she received. The sound of mechanical buzzing.

The fact that he couldn't respond to her made him feel even worse.

"You sound like a little bumblebee," Charlie added, sounding kinda impressed. That sounded nice actually to the yellow Autobot. Charlie smiled and nodded as she continued, "I'm gonna call you that from now on. BumbleBee."

His eyes widened at that. He actually had a name now! It made him feel so important. Like he belonged.

He buzzed, literally buzzed, with excitement as he looked at her.

"It matches your outfit too," she added.

She smiled at the Autobot and if he was human, he'd be smiling too. They stayed like that for a minute before there was a beeping sound.

Bee's battle helmet flipped on. A message appeared on his HUD(Heads Up Display).



Suddenly, he started to detransform! His hands and arms folded up all the way up his elbows and into the shoulders. His legs had finally detransformed into the torso.

Next, his chest plates flipped back and were folded into his back until they were gone.

Finally, his helmet flipped back. Then his head started opening from the chin and folding backwards. When it was fully gone, it revealed the head of a boy. He didn't look much older than her.

When all the giant robotic armor had finished detransforming, it left a human-sized yellow and gray armor covering his body. Then suddenly, it dematerialized into his back, leaving him in a skintight suit that was mainly yellow and had black and gray lines evenly on each side.

He was a nice thin, but muscular looking boy. He was at least two inches taller than Charlie.

She stood there in shock and confusion as she watched the boy, who was a giant robot a few seconds ago, pick himself up off the garage floor.

"Oh boy. That feels weird every time," He said, dusting himself off.

Charlie cocked her head to the right. She was even more confused now. He could talk? Was this even the same person...or robot from earlier?

"Bumblebee?" She asked.

He lifted his head up and smiled shyly. "Yeah. Yeah, it's-it's me."

Charlie chuckled surprised at this. "H-How is that possible? You were just a giant robot."

"Well um... honestly, I don't know. It's really a giant suit. At least, I think it is."

"What do you mean?"

"I...I don't remember. I can't remember anything. Other than I can transform into that car and that a giant robot, I don't know. I-I don't know."

He grabbed his head and felt tears coming out. He hugged his knees and cried into them.

Charlie felt bad for the teen boy in front of her. He was lost, with no memory of who he was or where he was from. And now, he was in her garage. This made her feel responsible for him.

She walked over and knelt down to comfort him. "Hey, it's ok. It's gonna be ok, Bee."

The boy peaked his head up just enough to show his eyes. "How?"

"I know what it's like to be alone," Charlie began as she sat next to him, "To not have anyone. But you don't have to worry about that. I'm here for you. You can stay here with us."

Bee lifted his head the rest of the way with hope in his eyes.

"Really, you'd do that for me?" He asked.

Charlie replied with a smile and nodded. "Of course. It'd be rude of me not to."

Bee returned the smile and blushed slightly. "Thank you."

Charlie saw his cheeks go red and giggled at that.

"No problem," she said scooting closer to Bee, "Besides, when you were a car, you were given to me as a present. So in a way, you're my responsibility."

Bee let out a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh yeah. Sorry bout that."

"Nah, it's okay. It'll be fun." Charlie laid her head on Bee's shoulder.

This confused the young Autobot, but it felt good.

'Must be a human thing,' he thought to himself.

The two stayed there in quiet and peacefulness.


Buzz buzz!!! The sparks are flying and this ship is sweet like honey! I'll definitely be uploading again soon. So I'll see you guys soon and I love you guys. 🐝👍🏽

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