Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"Absolutely not." His tone told me not to challenge him so I pulled away from my purse.

"You never let me pay for anything." I pouted and looked away from his questioning eyes.

"You better get used to that Barbie." He grabbed my face gently between both of his hands and then lightly brushed his lips against mine and then pulled away and dialed the number from the restaurant and then ordered our food while I sat there frozen in awe just from a simple kiss.

"Do you like live here now?" I asked after he hung up the phone.

"No not really. I've only stayed here once, the other night when we stayed here."

"Why?" I asked genuinely curious. Why wouldn't he stay here all the time? I would, just to have my own privacy. I don't mind being alone sometimes it's actually kind of nice.

"Just didn't really have a reason to want to. Until now." He winked at me and butterflies swarmed around in my belly every time he winked at me like that.

"It's nice up here. I like it. I bet it's nice having somewhere you can come and be alone." I tapped my fingers on my leg mindlessly as we made small talk waiting for our food to be delivered and honestly I was starving so I was growing impatient just waiting.

"It needs a splash of paint and some updated decorations but it will get done." He shrugged as if it were no big deal to him either way.

"I can help, that is if you want me to." His head snapped my way and he gave me a questioning look so I quickly backtracked.

"You would want to do that?" He asked narrowing his eyes searching my face for any sign that I was kidding but I wasn't.

"Well yeah. I mean I like doing that kind of stuff. I already helped clean downstairs why not fix up the upstairs?" I shrugged as I answered him. A knock on the door sounded and he got up to answer the door. He walked to the door and quickly paid for our food and took it from the delivery guy and then closed the door. The delicious smells of Chinese food flooded my nose making my mouth water.

Dakota sat the food on the coffee table and then dug in the bag and handed me my food before he grabbed his out and started eating. I sat cross legged on the couch and took the lid off of my food and stuck my fork in my chow mein and swiveled it in circles until my fork was overflowing with noodles and then shoved them in my mouth moaning in delight at its yumminess.

"Pretty good huh?" Dakota asked with his mouth full of food chewing in between words.

"The best!" I shoved a piece of sesame chicken in barely chewing it before I swallowed it.

"Okay you can decorate this place." He nodded after minutes of silence and I tilted my head in confusion.

"What?" I asked slowly as if I didn't understand what he said like I was a moron.

"The apartment. You can decorate it on one condition." He continued to eat his food but turned so we was facing me on the couch.

"And what is that?" I asked arching an eyebrow curious about what condition that would be.

"Don't make anything in here pink."

"Easy enough, I hate the color pink but I have a condition of my own." I smiled brightly and beamed, excitement flowing to decorate this place.

"And what is that?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice, he was enjoying this just as much as I was.

"I want it to be a surprise." I answered and he shrugged.

"Fair enough, I can trust you with my credit card can't I?" He asked slowly all smiles falling from his face.

"Of course! I wouldn't take your money Dakota." I turned my nose up in disbelief.

"Don't take it offensively, I was just joking. Here is my card just get whatever you want, whatever color paint you want and then I'll get the card back from you after you're done shopping." He reaches into his wallet and pulled out his credit card and handed it to me and I just stared at it like it was a foreign object.

"That easy huh?" I asked not looking up at him, he made it seem like it was a piece of cake.

"Oh and here is a spare key to the building. There's a set of stairs right out that door right there that leads to the parking lot." He placed a set of keys in my hands next to his card and I was shocked at how easily he just gave me his card and keys like it was no big deal, he must really trust me.

"I'll go tomorrow and buy all the stuff and then get busy. Please don't come up here until I'm done though." I begged and he made a cross my heart gesture over his heart. I was growing more and more excited to work my magic on this place and my mind was going a million different ways with ideas on what I was going to do with it.

"Scouts honor." We went back to eating in a comfortable silence. I ate until my stomach was full and then sat the rest of my unfinished food on the coffee table and then leaned back and unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans to give me more breathing room.

"Are you gonna finish that?" Dakota asked as he finished his food and started eyeing my leftovers.

"Hell no! I'm going to explode, here finish it." I leaned forward and grunted when my full stomach started protesting but I pushed my food over on the coffee table his way. He grabbed it greedily and finished eating it until it was finished as well.

Dakota flicked on the tv and put on Dr. Pimple Popper which is one of my all time favorite shows. Dakota leaned back against the couch with his arm against the top of the couch and I couldn't help but stare at his lap and the more I looked the more inviting it became so I turned around on the couch and laid my head on his lap. He moved his arm from the back of the couch and rested it on my side rubbing his fingers up and down my side and I felt myself starting to doze off from being so full and yet comfortable at the same time. I was surprised at how normal this felt and honestly I was getting used to this feeling and never wanted it to end.

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