Chapter Six

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Hello my sugars! How are you enjoying the story so far?! I think it's coming together nicely so far! Or at least I hope it is lol Anyways keep reading <3

"Okay ladies gather round, we know this routine like the back of our hand. We look awesome. Now let's get out there and show everyone how badass our varsity cheer squad is!" I coached and amped up the girls while we stood huddled up in our cheer uniforms ready to go perform at the orientation pep rally that we've been practicing for a month now.

The principle finished his first day of school speech and then introduced us letting us know it was time to come out.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for, your very own Varsity Lady Bobcats!" Principle Ramirez yelled over the microphone, his voice filling the overly packed auditorium, which erupted in echoes and cheers.

We ran out onto the stage and let our bodies take over while we started our routine. I locked eyes with Dakota, I spotted him instantly even in the crowd full of people. He didn't seem the least bit interested to be here until he locked eyes with me then his face changed. I shook him out of my mind and threw myself back into the routine, the movements taking over mentally and physically, something I thoroughly enjoyed. The whole purpose I cheered in the first place, my mental escape.


"Who's idea is it to have these lame ass orientations anyways?" I grunted and slumped down in the auditorium seat tossing my bag onto the floor carelessly.

"I don't know but they suck." My buddy Gabriel answered throwing all of his weight into the chair behind me kneeing the back of my chair while he did so, and one by one the rest of the guys followed.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for, your very own Varsity Lady Bobcats!" The principle yelled at a much too loud volume, his voice rattling in the speakers giving high pitched feedback.

The whole room erupted in school spirit as the cheerleading squad pranced all around the stage doing flips and shit before they started doing their little dance or whatever it's called, like I give a shit.

Our eyes locked, again. This girl was everywhere I looked, everywhere I turn. She was in much less clothing now, the cheerleading uniform showing off her firm stomach and the top struggling to hold her obvious well endowed chest inside. If she didn't have my attention before, she definitely did now.

"Damn that Erika chick is a cheerleader too?" I asked making all the guys heads snap my way making me realize I asked that out loud and I instantly cursed at myself.

"Yeah bro she's the captain of the squad." Gabriel answered in a duh tone which I didn't particularly care for. I just started going to public school so I don't really know anyone except for the guys which I met through my job at the body shop.

"I told you dude you don't want to go there. She's a prude, she ain't gonna put out." Christian slapped my shoulder from beside me shaking his head in disbelief.

"She would for me." I arrogantly smirked. My mind started running wild with thoughts of her naked and I had to adjust myself in my seat to hide my erection, I am only a man after all.

"Man you couldn't squeeze a dime out of that bitch much less get her in the sack." Gabriel choked back a laugh.

"Dude no way in hell are you gonna bone Erika Mayfair, believe me guys have tried to ask her out plenty of times but she always says no." Josh piped in from his seat in front of me turning to laugh in my face.

"I bet I could change that." I smugly smiled seeing a challenge forming, and I loved a challenge.

"Bet? You actually want to bet me on that?" Christian teased playfully and now I was totally in.

"I bet by Homecoming I will have that goody good cheer captain screaming my name." I smiled mischievously with anticipation.

"Okay Homecoming is two months away exactly. What do you wanna bet?" Gabriel asked curiously ironing out the details of this bet.

"I bet Sally." I answered a few quiet minutes of me thinking what I would be willing to bet.

"Your car? You love that car! You don't even let me ride in the damn thing!" Christian gasped in shock and disbelief.

"Because you're always eating and you eat like a damn slob!" I snapped gesturing towards him eating hot Cheetos, he looked down at his red stained fingers with fallen crumbs covering his shirt, he nodded in understanding.

"That's how confident you are?" Josh asked, his voice full of uncertainty.

"That's how certain I am. So if I win you can have my car but if I win I get to burn that piece of shit you call a bike and you have to actually buy something worth driving." I stuck my arm out towards Christian who smiled smugly at me.

"Deal. Sally get ready to come to papa!" We shook hands and a little bit of regret pooled in my stomach. He was right I did love that car. I've put lots of time and money into her, I didn't want to lose her so I had to win that damn bet by any means necessary.

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