Chapter Seven

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Welllll? Things are definitely starting to heat up....and they are just getting started ;) here's an update...enjoy my darlings! <3

"Now that you have all been assigned your partners we are going to play a little ice breaker game." Mrs. Wortham explained while grunts and groans filled the classroom.

"But Mrs. it's already the second day of school shouldn't we have done that yesterday?" A guy named Marco asked as he leaned back in his chair putting all his weight onto the back legs.

"Very observant, aren't we Mr. Ortiz?" She shot him a knowing glare and he decided not to further irritate her.

"Now back to our ice breaker game. I am going to give you and your partner twenty minutes and in that time you are to learn a few things about them. When the time is up you are going to stand in front of the class and introduce three facts about your partner, two true facts and one false and the object is for the class to guess which one is false." She smugly explained the object of the ice breaking game knowing we would all object but would have no choice or say so on the matter.

"Time starts now." She added and went and sat at her desk leaving us to get to know our partners.

Dakota and I sat in silence while everyone else talked amongst themselves neither of us wanting to talk first but I decided to take the first step.

"So how should we do this?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

"I guess just start with your full name and name off some facts about yourself and I'll make up the false one when I introduce you." He shrugged and it seemed easy enough.

"Yeah, okay." I nodded agreeing to his suggestion.

"You start." He gestured and I sighed ready to get this over with so I decided to rip the bandaid off.

"Okay. My full name is Erika Michelle Mayfair. I'm a cheerleader, the captain at that. I speak English and Spanish fluently. My best friend is Chelsea. I want to go to college to be a pediatric oncologist. My favorite movie is Hocus Pocus. I'm a terrible driver, which you already know. My favorite color is emerald green. My dad died when I was twelve." I told him all in one breath of air and he sat quietly and absorbed all of my information.

"Alright now I suppose it's my turn. My full name is Dakota Ryan Tahlee. I don't play sports. I like to work on cars. I want to open my own automotive body shop. I love my car, which you almost ruined. My favorite color is red. People think I'm new here but I've actually lived here my whole life I just went to private school." He shrugged nonchalantly and nodded slowly. So that's why we never seen this guy before, but why go to public school for senior year? Why not just finish private school?

"Do you like cheerleading?" He asked after a few peaceful moments that passed by too quickly for my liking.

"I love it." I answered honestly.

"Because of the attention you get?" He asked, his tone more curious than insulting.

"Attention? No. It's more of a distraction than anything else." I answered my voice trailing off.

"What could a girl like you possibly need a distraction from?" He asked sarcastically refusing to break eye contact with me.

"Don't just assume you've got me all figured out. You don't know me at all." I snapped, narrowing my eyes into slits at him his eyes opened a little more than usual before they went back to their actual size.

"Easy there Barbie no need to get all worked up now." He smirked and it took everything in me not to smack him. Again with my violent thoughts to hit this guy, he is infuriating.

"Don't call me that I'm not some bimbo you moron!" I snapped feeling my blood run hot, which only fueled him further.

"I'm afraid you are out of time, when I call your name, you and your partner will make your way to the front of the room and you will introduce the two true and one false facts about your partner and the class will guess which is false. I have written your names on pieces of paper and put them into this jar and I will draw and read the names out loud and that will be the order that you go in. Now let's get started." Mrs. Wortham held up a jar with folded pieces of paper on it and shook it shuffling the papers around. She unscrewed the lid and pulled out a piece of paper and read the names out loud. My heart began to race, speaking out in front of people wasn't my strongest suit.

"First up we have Katherine and Ryan." She read the first group out loud as the rest of the class sighed in temporary relief. Katherine and Ryan stood in front of the room and introduced each other and we guessed which was false and then we moved onto the next group.

"Next we have Lucas and Molly." She read the next group off a piece of paper and like the group before they introduced each other and group by group went by.

"Next we have Dakota and Erika." My heart started thumping inside my chest as I stood up and made my way to the front of the room, Dakota slowly followed.

"This is Erika Michelle Mayfair. She is cheer captain. Her favorite movie is Hocus Pocus and her life long desire is to sleep with me." He smirked and I shit you not my jaw dropped to the floor, the entire classroom erupted with laughter meanwhile my face must have been crimson red because it felt like it was on fire. That son of a bitch!

"This is Dakota Ryan Tahlee. He wants to open his own automotive body shop. He hates sports and he loves to watch gay porn." I smugly clapped back making the class laugh even louder than they had before making me feel victorious.

"You two outside NOW!" Mrs. Wortham seethed with anger as she pointed her boney finger towards the classroom door. I started walking towards the door and like before Dakota slowly followed, like he didn't have a care in the world meanwhile I was freaking out.

We got outside of the classroom and I turned to him anger fueling me.

"You are such an asshole! How can you just do that? Embarrass me like that?" I snapped venomously.

"Don't play innocent Barbie you played a part in retaliation if I do say so myself, which I didn't expect from you at all." He smirked with entertainment swimming in his eyes, he was enjoying this banter between us.

"You don't care?" I asked, he acted unfazed by what happened and he just shrugged shaking his head no.

"Why would you care what other people think?" He looked back at me focusing on my face as if he was trying to read something.

"I don't care but I don't want to be the center of attention either." I answered right as the classroom door opened and our teacher came out, and she did not look too happy.

"I do not appreciate those little inappropriate outbursts from you two. That type of behavior is completely unacceptable and I will not tolerate it, this cannot go unpunished. I am giving you both after school detention for a full week and I'm going to have to call your parents." I gasped in panic, knowing that I was in for hell. Detention I could make excuses for why I couldn't come home right after school but how could I explain a phone call home? I couldn't.

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