Chapter Ten

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Hello my beautiful loves! I know that last chapter was a bit dark but with rain comes sunshine! :) here's an update enjoy!

"Erika!" I heard my name being called but I couldn't move.

"Erika! Can you hear me?" The same voice shouted a little louder making me wince in pain. I tried to talk but my whole body ached, the pain was too much.

"I'm going to call 9-1-1 if you don't answer me! I need to know you're okay." The voice cried and finally my mind registered it was Chelsea. She was crying hysterically while she was bent down beside me shaking me gently.

"Chels?" I choked out and groaned in pain.

"Stay here! I'm going to get my dad." I tried to protest but she was out the door faster than I could even get the words out, the darkness took over once again.

After some time went by, I felt my body being carefully lifted off of the bathroom floor and placed on something much softer.

"Erika, it's me. Micheal, Chelsea's dad. Can you hear me?" His tone soft but full of concern. I nodded slowly and pried my eyes open slowly.

"I have to check your injuries. I'm going to remove your dress, is that okay?" He asked for my permission which I gave him unsurely. He was an emergency doctor so I trusted him but I was embarrassed to be seen without my clothes. He looked at Chelsea who was a blubbering mess. Makeup streaming down her face as she cried hysterically.

"Chels get it together sweetheart. I have to check how bad this really is. Will you help me with her dress?" Her dad spoke calmly to her trying not to make her freak out anymore. Chelsea walked to the side of my bed as her dad pulled me up carefully she pulled the zipper down and her dad laid me back down and Chelsea slid my dress down my body and pulled it off tossing it to the side.

Her dad lifted my arms and legs and rolled me side to side. His face held so many emotions worry, concern, anger, sadness to name a few.

He grabbed some equipment from his medical bag. He shined a light in my eyes telling me to follow it. He did a few other things observing each bruise and cut.

"It's really hard to tell exactly what is going on. You definitely have a concussion, a black eye, and your lip and possibly your cheek needs stitches for sure. I really want to get you to the hospital to do an x-ray." Micheal sat down on the edge of the bed.

"No- I can't." I spoke for the first time, my voice laced with fear and panic.

"Don't worry, I won't even admit you. At least let me take you so I can see if anything is broken Erika. Please." He begged and Chelsea took my hand in hers and rubbed soothing circles on the top of it.

"Okay." I sat up with her dads help and he excused himself so she could help me get dressed. She pulled cheer shorts and a T-shirt out of one of my drawers and quietly helped me get dressed.

"What happened?" She asked making eye contact with me. Her eyes were bloodshot filled with sadness and worry.

"Steve's boss and his son were supposed to come over to talk about a partnership at his firm. Well his son ran late and when he finally showed up Rick kept bragging on how good of an intern I was over the summer so his son accused him of sleeping with me." I explained making her gasp in shock.

"That's not even the worst part."

"There's more?!" Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"His son is Dakota."

"Wait, wait, wait.... Dakota from chemistry?" She asked putting the pieces together.

"The one and only." I answered nodding my head. A knock on the door caught both of our attention. Her dad peaked his head in.

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