Chapter Twenty Two

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Whoaaa! That last chapter tho....such a rollarcoaster, what did y'all think?! I hope you are all having a beautiful day! Here is your update <3

"Oh my God Erika I am so sorry! I had no idea Brian was like that. I shouldn't have left you alone with him." Chelsea slumped on my bed ridden with guilt. She was blaming herself for what happened at the party.

"Chels stop that right now! It's okay, you warned me about him. I should have listened, look nothing happened. Plus my night ended pretty damn good if I do say so myself." I plopped myself down on the bed beside her.

"Speaking of since when were things getting serious with Dakota?" She smirked at me with a knowing grin.

"They aren't serious Chels. We've just kissed a few times. He came to get me last night and we went to dinner no biggie." I shrugged trying to convince her that nothing was going on between Dakota and I, well not yet anyway.

"Hmmm sure whatever you say. You practically jumped his bones in the car!" She was just as shocked as Dakota and I were when I climbed in his lap.

"Hey the moment came and I jumped at the opportunity besides he kisses like a God." I sighed and laid down flat on the bed.

"What would you have done if he would have been down to have sex? Just do it right then and there?" She asked and I thought about it for a few long seconds before answering. Would I be okay with just sleeping with him like that?

"Yeah probably." I shrugged honestly. Was that slutty? I didn't really care.

"You like him don't you?" She asked curiously already knowing the answer to that.

"A lot more than I expected to." I nodded answering her admitting out loud that I actually had feelings for Dakota something I was so scared of then, but was now welcoming it.

"I knew it! I mean how could you not I mean look at him he is gorgeous!" She gushed dreamily and she had a point he really is gorgeous.

"Yeah no kidding!" I snorted nodding in agreement.

"What are your plans for today?" She asked changing the subject.

"Dakota is going to take me to pick up my car but other than that not much. We need to start our chemistry project the first part is due Tuesday." I answered.

"Yeah but I don't want to do that. At least my partner Jeremy is good friends with Matt but he is still weird. He spent all of class yesterday talking about aliens! Like how am I supposed to work alone with this guy?" She whined like a child who's mom said he can't have a piece of candy.

"Awhhhh you poor baby!" I pinched her cheek sarcastically.

"Shut up!"

We laid in bed and talked for a while before my phone started to ring as I was digging through my sheets to find it before it could go to voicemail.

"Hey Barbie." His voice made the butterflies in my stomach flutter chaotically.

"Hey." I answered back trying not to smile or else Chelsea would no doubt tease me about it and I couldn't answer anymore questions that I didn't know the answers to.

"I'm calling to see if you wanted to pick up your car and to see if you had plans today?" He asked, his voice hopeful making my heartbeat sky rocket.

"Sure that would be great. No I don't have any plans, what did you have in mind?" I asked curiously, Chelsea already making smirking faces and kissy faces making me roll my eyes at her.

"Well it's probably not your idea of fun but I want to start cleaning The Lanes and I was wondering you maybe wanted to help?" He asked with that same hopeful tone. He wanted me to help him clean his building? I shrugged and thought why not?

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